The Beginning

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[So I'm still new to "Rick and Morty" and I do not know much about about their please tell me if they aren't acting like themselves and tell me how to make them more like them
Code things:
Bold- Author speaking
Italicized- Thoughts]

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It was like any other night.. calm, peaceful, and serene You've always loved the night especially when the moon is out and bright. You would always find yourself at the park swings at 1 in the morning staring at the moon with delight as the cool night breeze gives you shivers of joy, night time always was what calmed you down...especially when things go wrong at home...your parents would always fight with each other and sometimes it becomes physical most of the time they include you in their little quarrel, blaming you for whatever reason they're fighting for it always ends with a harsh slap on your face. They don't care if you disappear outside or if you get hurt at school, they sometimes forget you even existed, it hurt you very badly no matter how much you loved them they just don't love you back. School just made it worse, people ignored you half of the time some bullying you mainly Jessica and her goons [sorry for Jessica lovers] but there is still a reason why you bother going to  school at all your best friend Morty, whenever you're crying or hurt he was always there to comfort you and aid you, He was your only reason of not ending your life, he somehow always brought meaning to living in this hell called earth, he always manages to get a smile on your face, he always manages to deal with your problems and fix it in a snap,  He was your guardian angel.

[Should I continue this?? Or should I throw it away with the rest of my ideas? Its up to you guys! I'll continue it for now but if this book ain't worth it then it ain't continuing
Comment and Vote!]

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