@Finnwolfhard I just realized that today is Valentines day
@user1 will you be my valentine!? I know you will
@user2 ohh today is valentines day shoot
@milliebobbybrown hahaha
@sadiesink happy valentines day then
@noahschnapp oooohhh
@finnwolfhard @sadiesink happy valentines day 😊😗
@calebmclaughlin you guys @sadiesink @finnwolfhard shiiip
@gatenmatarazzo what's going on here? why am I NOt INCuded?
I'm mad now
@noahschnapp @gatenmatarazzo noooo ONE caAAAres!!!
@finnwolfhard to @noah & @gaten guys it's valentines day ,you supposed to radiate LoVe eee
@jackdgrazer happy valentines finnah!!!!
@user7 omg@sadiesink happy valentines day;)
@user1 thank you mom
@user2 beautiful
@user3 sadie cutie
@finnwolfhard will you be my ..
@user4 to @finn u wanted to write valentine !???? Whaaaaaaaat?
@milliebobybrown to @finn I dare you to finish your sentence
@gatenmatarazzo whaaaaat!?happy valentines btw
@jackdgrazer to @finn finnah? What is it?????
@finnwolfhard ..maid of honor
@noahschnapp to @finn what did you take ???
@user7 to finn it should have been valentine not maid of honor !!!!!!!bc I shiiiip uuuuuu like whaaaaat
@sadiesink to @finn it's such an honor for me-----------------
I know I know it's too bad ,but I wanted something related to v day ..
Omg I'm a mess
How did you spend your valentines day ?????