5 - The Eyes Have Started To Run

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This was quite bad news for Colsyn. Firstly, because eyes are not supposed to run. They're not supposed to jump, either, or grow multiple limbs spanning at least a metre. However, these were not eyes, but Eyes. Eyes are exactly the same as normal eyes, except they're ten times as big and have the capacity to grow multiple limbs spanning at least a metre. This was very, very bad news for Colsyn, as his limbs were nowhere near a metre long, and he was quite a bit larger than an eye, even at ten times its size.

Of course, Colsyn couldn't do anything about the possibility of being outnumbered by Eyes, because he was still falling through a fathomably large tear in the ground of Adomania. The sky was no longer visible above him, as small as a star in a dark, dark sky, even though Adomania wasn't supposed to have days or nights because it wasn't any sort of country or planet and thus couldn't have a sun, or two suns, or even a moon to pretend that it had a sun.

The first noise that reached his ears over the rushing of the toxic air was scuttling. Eyes are not supposed to scuttle either. He thought it was just stones tumbling down the tear, and ignored it. This was very stupid of him to do.

He eventually stopped falling, and started floating. Whatever gravity was present before had now vanished, and he was floating, quite like an astronaut, except that astronauts simply feel zero g, and Colsyn was actually feeling zero gravity, a lack of any and all gravity that could have been present but had decided to go play poker with Colsyn's shadow instead, because its mother had never taught it good manners. The air stopped rushing, and the scuttling noise got louder. As Colsyn tried to right himself, he realised that stones cannot tumble down things when gravity has gone off to play poker, and that the scuttling was something much more sinister.

And then an Eye blinked at him from the darkness.

He screamed in horror, at its slimy body, at the glistening tears covering its front, its iris a blood red colour. Veins pulsed visibly and disgustingly with something black, and its pupil was large enough that Colsyn could have stuck his hand in without much trouble. Its long limbs were sharp and bony, slightly transparent and crystalline, this one had at least ten. It blinked again, and tried to reach out to him, trying to catch him. He screamed again, kicking out, but that only managed to spin him around since he was still floating.

It attempted to grab him again with the spindly point of one of its limbs, catching his jacket and tearing the fabric slightly. Colsyn grabbed the limb and pulled hard, attempting to fling the horrific thing away from him. What happened instead was that he spun away from the Eye, hitting the wall. He winced as his fingertips started to freeze, for it was awfully cold down there, and then his clothes froze to the wall. Whilst this would not normally be a good thing, this was brilliantly convenient right now, because it meant Col had some purchase with which to fling the Eye. He threw it down, away from him, and its limb snapped off in his hand with a salty crunch. 

He cringed a bit at the noise, and then looked up, and then down. He then realised he couldn't tell which way was up or down, and he couldn't tell which way would lead him to Allen. Tears tugged at his throat, his frustration building up. He wasn't so much upset at himself for being so clueless and clumsy, as he was at Adomania for being such a stupid place to traverse.

He slid the Eye's limb down his back, where he would normally put his sword, and clung on to the wall. A few minutes (or possibly hours) passed after he'd sheathed the limb, before the walls started to crumble and crack. The cracks opened wide, revealing dozens of eyes, thousands of eyes, hundreds of the damn things.

Colsyn screamed again as they all blinked down at him, freaking and pushing away from the wall. This was quite a bad idea, as the Eye's limb weighed him down, and he started to fall into the depths of Adomania once again, not seeing every single Eye crawl out and follow him.

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