the ninth one

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I got out of the bathroom and had decided to leave soon. There was one thing I needed to do before. I needed to show Diego that I was not just a friend.

If I left now without doing anything else but to be a bit touchy, he'd get bored and definitely leave my ass.

I was just not that comfortable with doing my moves in front of everyone else.

While thinking of my plan to get him smoothly separated from the group, I went to kitchen. My mouth was dry like elderly pussy. I needed some water.

I grabbed a glass, poured water in it and got an idea. I'm going to ask Diego if he could show me where I can charge my phone. If the plan will be successful, he'll show me a place in his room-

"Here you are", Diego's voice reached me from the kitchen's door.

After a mild heart attack, I chilled.

Some unknown powers played me a good hand of cards. I didn't even have to finish my thoughts about the plan when I was given an opportunity for a new one.

"Yea", I said and leaned my back on the counter of the sink. "Needed some water."

"Pussy", he smirked and walked closer, "drinking water when it's not much past midnight."

I shook my head lightly with a smile as I was putting the glass down.

"I was thinking about leaving soon", I said and caught his eyes going down my body while walking closer to me. He didn't stop staring at my figures until he was right in front of me.

"Is that so?" he flirted while looking straight in my eyes. Diego put his hands on the counter. "What if I won't let you go?"

I was now a prisoner of his arms.

His tone was seducing. He wasn't whispering, but he wasn't talking with a normal volume either.

"Not letting me go?" I let my index finger and middle finger walk on his chest. "That wouldn't be so nice."

Diego wrapped his fingers around my wrist with a tight grip. He pulled me closer so there was no space between our bodies. He grabbed my other wrist too and placed my hands behind my back.

With a slow movement he got closer to my ear and said:
"What if I told you I'm not a nice guy?"

I let a tiny, flirty smile paint my face.

He pulled his head away and tightened his grip on my wrists. When looking into his eyes, I wanted to do nothing more than to touch him. Place my hand on his cheek and let the other one sink in his curly hair.

There was only one way to touch him.

I was thirsty for his lips. I needed them. I physically needed them. Like I was having withdraws from drugs.

Diego knew I wanted to kiss him. Once I got half an inch closer, he pulled me a bit backwards from my wrists.

I sucked my lips inside of my mouth for a second.

"Stop teasing me", I said quietly.

He gave a really tiny laugh, smirked and moved his head slowly toward mine. Our eyes started to close down, while the heat was getting up.

Feeling his breath on my upper lip right before our skins touched chained me completely. It was impossible to pull away anymore.

With slow movements I opened my mouth and placed my lips on his lower lip. I let my tongue have a taste of his skin too.

He opened his mouth as a sign to keep going, but still keep the slow phase on. Our tongues met the same time our lips were attached again.

Diego pulled me closer to his body still holding my hands behind my back. I wanted to touch him, but was unable to.

When our kiss got more intense and the phase went up, he finally let go of my hands and at that second I placed them on his neck.

Diego pressed his palms tightly on my butt and squeezed it strongly. Just the way I liked it.

Even though our kiss had turned into a french one, it was still not disgustingly moist. Our lips surely had spit on them, but it was just making things more smooth.

I pressed my fingernails on his warm skin and let my right hand slide under his beanie into his hair.

After stroking it, I pulled away and said:
"No wait, I really need to go."

"What really?" Diego asked with a confused face.

"Yes, I have work tomorrow", I said and stepped away from him.

"Are you sure?" he asked and looked at the clock on the wall. "Why won't you stay for like 30 minutes and then leave?"

"No I really need to go", I gave a laugh and knew what he had in mind.

"Okay I can make it 40", he said, "and you can even spend the night."

I gave a laugh and shook my head a bit.

No one had any idea how badly I wanted to stay. Though I was feeling kind of good that our kiss made him this horny.
Believe me: I was too.

"No-", I said before getting cut off.

"I'll make it 50", he said. "An hour."

"Now you're just cocky", I smirked and got closer so I could touch his cheek.

"Just stay baby", he said and played with my hair.

"I honestly can't", I said, let go of his cheek and started to walk toward the doorway.

"But you know you want to", he said with a smile on his face that I was able to recognize from his tone.

I turned my head and winked before losing him from my sight.

I grabbed my bag and left the house.


Their first kiss was intense af lmao

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