The unexpected love of Lydia and Stiles

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    Chapter 1

(stiles point of view)  

I was driving to my best friend Scott's house because he wasn't answering his phone i have to tell him something important. When i got to his house i was going to crawl through his window i heard him come out through is front door so i decided to scare him when i bent down we both screamed he was going to hit me with the bat.
"STILES WHAT THE HELL" Scott said. "Sorry, why do you have a bat?" i asked. "I thought you were a predator why are you here?" Scott asked. "They found a dead body"

(Scott's p.o.v)

"They found a dead body" Stiles said. "What like a dead body?" I asked
"No a body of water, yes dumb ass a dead body" Stiles said as his usually sarcastic self. When we reached the Beacon Hills Reserves i asked " Why are we here?" Stiles said " To find the other half of the body". "Wait they only found half of the body?" I asked. " Yea sorry forgot to tell you that part?" Stiles said. " You think" I thought to myself.

(Stiles dads p.o.v)

I was in the Beacon Hills Reserves looking for the other half of the body when i saw styles and I grabbed him and asked " Are you always listening to my phone calls?" I asked. "No, not the boring ones" Stiles said. I asked "is Scott here with you. SCOTT,  SCOTT YOU OUT THERE!!" I yelled. Stiles said " No it's just me Scott entered to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.". " Right, okay well I'm going to walk you back to your keep and have a long conversation about respect of privacy" I said.

(Stiles p.o.v)

I knew Scott was hiding behind a tree but i didn't say anything i just drove home and wait to see him tomorrow. When i got home i got a text from Scott that read " something bit me, i'll show you tomorrow." I texted back "okay". Not long after that i fell into a deep sleep. When i woke up i got ready for school and met Scott in the front of the steps and said " Let's see the bite, what happened?". He answered " When you left i was on my way home when all these deer came running and when i fell to the ground some thing bit me". That's when he showed me the bite.

(Scott's p.o.v)

When I showed Stiles the bite he looked excited and said " This is the best thing that happened in Beacon Hills since the birth of Lydia Martin,hey Lydia you look like... like your going to ignore me" I laughed in my head and thought " I feel bad for the guy she never notices him, he is never gonna get a chance with her"  We went to class it was so boring that we started talking and got in trouble. After our first couple classes we went to Lacrosse practice that's when coach said for me to try goalie so I did the first ball went flying and hit my in the face. Then the next couple balls went flying and i caught them all. After that we had a scrimmage match and I did a flip over the guy and made the shot. Coach called me over and asked " What was that McCall?" I replied " I don't know sir I just tried to make the shot" "Well guess what you made first line" Coach answered.


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