My love for you

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(Stiles P.O.V)

After school I went to Scotts house to hang  out for a little bit when I got there he was sitting at the computer doing something. Scott asked "What's up dude?" I replied "Nothing much, you?" He smiled  "nothing just texting Allison" I smiled. I wish one day that I could be texting Lydia she is so amazing she is really pretty loving and she pays attention to the non-popular kids. I thought, five minutes later my phone started ringing I didn't recongnize the number but I answered it "Hello" She replied "Hello it's Lydia from school" I smiled "Oh, hey Lydia what's up?" She laughed "Umm... I was wondering if you would  like to hang out tomarrow you know a reward for standing up for me with Jackson?" I blushed "Umm...  sure where do you wanna go?" "The coffee shop if you don't mind?" Uhh... sure what time do you want me to pick you up?" I blushed again "Umm eight tomarrow morning at my place of course" she laughed "Uhh sure i'll be there okay bye Lydia" She replied "Bye" then I hung up. Scott smiled "Oh my god dude you got a date with Lydia i'm so happy for you dude" I smiled "Thanks man." 

~Next Morning~

I was on my way to Lydias when I got there she was waiting on me on her front porch she looked marvelous. Lydia got in the passenger seat and we made our way to the coffee shop. when we got there she got a caramel mochiatio and I got the choclate mochiatio I payed and we sat down at a table we talked for a while but she got a text and looked angry she text back and put her phone away I asked "Are you okay you seem upset?" She sighed and said "Yeah im fine" I didn't beleive her but i nodded and let it go. When we got to her house she kissed me and I was excited she deepend the kiss and I asked "What about Jackson" She smiledand said "That is who texted me and I broke up with him" I smiled and she kissed me again she took me up to her room and we made out forabout an hour then we just talked and watched the Notebook on my way out the door I asked "Lydia Martin will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled and said "I will be happy to be your girlfriend Stiles" I smiled and she came down the stairs and kissed me passionately.


Hey guys this is chapter for hope you like it vote please. I will soon be wrtiting a new story called My Love For You so keep and eye out I will let you know when I publish the first chapter BYE <3

The unexpected love of Lydia and StilesWhere stories live. Discover now