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We lay there in the grass for some time. I can't really tell how long. Time just. Left I guess. It wasn't long till I heard faint snoring next to me.
I looked over and saw y/n peacefully sleeping. They just looked calm like nothing could phase her.
"Come on y/n I'll take you home"
I picked up y/n in bridle style and lay them down in the back of their car.

The drive was pretty lonely with out them talking or them singing alone with the radio but something about me looking in rear view mirror and seeing them still peacefully sleeping was comforting to me.  
*time skip car ride*

As I place y/N in there bed I stand to walk away but ad I turn I feel something tug on my wrist. They felt warm.I look down to see y/n's hand holding on to me.
Hearing a voice starteled me a little,my eyes quickly move to where the voice came from. My eye meet contact with a pair of sleepy half open  y/e/c eyes, y/n's eyes.
In replay I just lay down on top of the covers. Quite quickly I hear the fermiler faint snoring next to me. I plane to get up and leave when knew they were defiantly sleep but before I knew it I was waking up the next morning alone but still in y/n's bed.with the smell of bacon.

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