Chapter 1- Tarot

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"My only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes he'd go away, too."

I took my seat, sipping at my coffee, it was a surprisingly sunny day, perfect for today's act. I slipped my headphones in, blocking out the noise of the crowd of people on the ferry. I heard commotion and took my headphones out, rolling my eyes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the next great magician, and I will give $100 to the anyone who can tell me how this trick is done."

"Oh, please," I scoff, taking another sip of my coffee.

"I have an ordinary spoon from Mel's Deli, right here in Brooklyn," The young man continued to yell, he was giving me a headache. "Pay close attention, because I'm about to bend this spoon with my mind."

"He's just got another stem and spoon in his pocket, stupid kid." I muttered to myself, I didn't need the $100, so I sat quietly.

The guy "bent" the spoon and some on-looker pointed out the stem, demanding $100. The kid took off after that, only moments later did I hear, "Stop that guy! Stop that guy in the leather jacket, he's got my wallet." Well done, kid. I laugh to myself as the guy continues to run away. Now that that's over with I can prep for the act I have tonight.

I was an ordinary street magician, with nothing but parlor tricks up my sleeve. Ironically, I started with the bending spoon trick, but I always made sure I was the smartest in the room. I was stepping up my game, I got paid better, so my tricks got better. I wasn't a common crook, unlike the kid who ran off. The trick I had planned was simple, but would take a lot of idiotic passersby to work. I thought Manhattan would be the perfect location, all the ignorance and how they blow off the smallest of details. It would only take one smart ass to realize my plot, but come on, it's Manhattan.


I pulled my dark brown hair up into a ponytail, styling my bangs so they shaped my face. I had little makeup on, besides the bright red lip stain on my lips. My trick was simple, it was one of the easiest "stunts" to pull off, my father taught me nearly every trick in the book, that is, before he went to prison. A stagehand tells me it's time to go on, and that people have gathered at the mere mention of my name on the signs around the square.

"Good evening Manhattan, I'm Eva Montgomery, it's been awhile since I've been here," I hear some of the crowd cheer, "Well I came back, didn't I? For tonight's trick I'm going to take an ordinary man, or woman, and make them levitate into mid air!"

The crowd roars, immediately volunteers raise their hands in anticipation, but I've got my levitatee already picked. "You sir! Come on up!"

"Me?" The man exclaims, though we've already met and he's been sworn to secrecy. Non-disclosure agreements are a blessing for a con-artist like myself. But I don't steal, people pay to see me trick them. The man approached the table setup I had, on the stage that I made sure was blocked from public view. He laid on the table, and I grabbed the straps that would keep him secure on the table as it floated. I put a cloak over his entire body.

"On the count of three, this man will levitate off the ground, after I count to three I need everyone to cheer as loud as they can! Ready? One! Two! Three!" The crowd cheered loudly, I gave the signal to the crew to start the forklift, it began to rise as my hands raised slightly, then I brought him back down, slowly. "Now let's see how our volunteer is doing!" I pull the tarp off of him, and his body was gone. "Where did he go?" My hand covered my mouth.

The crowd gasps, "It's alright, I'm right here!" The man yells from a room in the hotel above the scene. The crowd goes wild.

"Thank you, Manhattan! Goodnight!" I yell as I walk off the stage. "Excuse me." I pardon myself while pushing through a few people, noticing someone wearing a blue hoodie. I feel someone put something in my pocket, I reach into my back pocket and pull out a tarot card with "The Moon" written at the bottom showcasing the image of the reflection of the sun. On the back there was instructions: March 29th 4:44; 45 East Evan St NY, NY. It's the eye, I've been chosen.

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