Not so happy birthday pt2

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I then left them to get dressed, I knew my sister would take 45 minutes if I didn't rush her. She always takes forever as she really cares about how she is presented to the world. Me, I couldn't care less but I take pride in scaring people with what I wear and stuff. It's better then getting bullied for being weak so if I look strong or even scary no one would dare touch me, especially after they know I always carry around sharp objects with me, they may not know the reason why but it's funny to see their expression.

Wait, how would Rudina reacted to how I look. Would she be scared?... or would she see though that like she did with the words I wrote. I think I should try again with her... I'll just say hi to see if she wants to chat, I know she hurt my feelings but everyone deserves a second chance. I was a bit of a bitch to her.

I grabbed a pen, and.... Wait! What am I doing!? Am I seriously trying to make contact with someone who doesn't care for me, only wants me to stop because she doesn't want people to see her arms.

Finally the 10 minutes are up, I shout " get both of your asses in the car before I kick them!" They practically ran down the stairs and into the car, I grabbed my shit for School-as most of it is in my locker I didn't have much- and I calmly walked to the drivers side of the car and opened the door slowly. Of course my sister snapped at me " if you can take your time why can't we!" I calmly but sinisterly said " because I'm in control of when you can go and stop, not you." I start the car and away we go to our secondary school.

Rudina pov

How could I be so stupid and horrible to Alex, they didn't do anything wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if they hate me now. I picked up my phone to text my dads.

Me: I messed up bad...

Dad P: oh sweetie what happened

Me: I was so mean and horrid, at first I was nice and then I asked how they were and they said ' I'm fine' and you know how I get with those words and then she said that I couldn't care about it, I flipped and said somethings I really regret.

Dad D: awww sweetheart, that happens sometimes just try again later.

Me: but Dad they cut over the words I regret so much, a lot and really deep...

Dad P: I don't mean to sound bad but you need to make sure they are okay after that and don't bring it up again until you both are ready to talk about the cutting.

Me: thanks for the advice dads

I turned my phone off and decided I would write and apologise and a sweet note about how I would love to get to know them.

I wrote on my arm- as I thought they would be wearing clothes at this point:
I'm sensually sorry for what I said last, I know that an apology is not good enough for you to forgive me. I really do care for you, I mean what kind of soulmate would I be if I didn't. Please give me a chance, I just want to get to know you. Please write back so I know that you are okay.

I'll wait...

Alex pov
As I drove I felt like a pen was writing on my skin... what could that be?
Oh yeah Rudina, she must be writing on her skin of her arm, is this seriously going to happen every time we need to talk to each other. It feels so weird and I can't check what she has written now, I'll just drop the twins off and skip school.

I parked up near the schools entrance, " go on get out" I said when the twins didn't move for a minute. " aren't you coming with us?" My sister asked. I shock my head. They left with an angry/sad looks in their eyes. I pulled away and drove home, so no one would see my arms...

Maybe I should invite my only friend around for the day. I texted Ben, the only person who talked to me, to see if he would come around to my house. He replied with a yes but he'll be a while. I didn't mind, it gave me more time to have to my self which I kinda need so I can cut.

When I got home, I just flopped on to the sofa and rolled my sleeve up to see what Rudina wrote. I read it and almost believe her. I grabbed my pen and wrote:

I don't believe all of that but I'll let you get to know me, so you can see I don't deserve love.

She wrote back:

Thank god you are okay, I was so worried about you. I know this sounds weird but I don't know your gender as your name is gender neutral... so what is your gender?

Yeah that's a bit confusing right now... would you be mad if I was female and wants to be male?

Why on earth would I be mad, my parents are gay so I've been brought up to accept everyone for who they are.

Oh, that's better then my parents, they are homophobic...

Oh god I'm so sorry for you, that must be so hard, what if they see your tattoo?

honestly they didn't do shit for my birthday

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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