What About Now?: 29.

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                Three days had passed since Kodie had found out that Hanna Franz was the girl I was in love with. And she had point-blank ignored me since then.

                Until this morning.

                She sat next to me on the bus, and it was eleven fifteen, so all the college students were at college. Well, even if they weren’t, I didn’t expect any of them to be on the 952, to be honest. Most of them had cars and could drive. Others shared.

                The 952 didn’t even go to the college.

                I miss my job. Chester had told me that I could go back in three weeks’ time because he had things covered and he wanted me to have a full recovery, but if I didn’t have Kodie here, I think I would have gone insane. 

                I now had to save up for a new car myself, because I had to take the bus.

                Kodie, must to my dismay, was taking me to the doctors.

                “Don’t forget, I’ll be outside.” She said for the fifth time since we’d left the bus stop at the end of our street.

                “I’m only going to the doctors.” I said in a dull tone.

                “And see how that turned out last time?”

                I stared at her apprehensively. “If you’re talking about last week—” where the doctor had tried making a joke at how I was lucky to be alive and I’d snapped at him “—when the doctor was rude to me, then that wasn’t my fault.”

                “Whatever,” she muttered, putting some of her hair behind her ears. “Just go easy, okay? I know you’re not feeling very happy.”

                “That’s not my fault.”

                “I didn’t say it was.” she defended quietly, quickly. “Hanna doesn’t know the gravity of the damage she’s done, I get it.”

                “I can’t help it.” I replied, staring out the window. Someone with locks of blonde hair walked past and I craned my neck to turn around. For a while I was hopeful that it was Hanna, but it wasn’t even her. After she left my house and I went up to my room, I’d been thinking. And ever since.

                “I never said you could.”

                I grunted in response.

                “Now, I’m going to leave you when you come out, I have class later. Okay?”

                It wasn’t really her fault that she didn’t tell me. She would probably have – later on. But I thought over how she’d be scared and wouldn’t know what to do. I mean, we weren’t in the best situation to be talking about having a baby in the first place.

                And then I went to sleep that night, I woke up to a nightmare of the accident. The doctor’s had said that I’d probably experience flash backs on the accident and I jolted awake before the accident even happened.

                Before I crashed, I heard Hanna’s voice, muffled by the dream, by there all the same.

                Our conversation.

                ‘Do you want kids?’

                ‘Alex, I’m—’

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