Chapter Thirteen: Nights In NightShape

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Two Years Prior

Glory sat on her stool. Staring at the empty canvas in front of her.
There was a tap on her window scaring her out of her wits. She looked behind at her window with wide eyes. She stood immediately when she saw who it was. Rushing over to open her window.

"Avery, are you crazy?" He stuck his head through the window. Dripping wet from the harsh rain. "What the moon are you doing here!"

He stepped into her room, creating a puddle on the floor. She stared at him. Avery was, with no doubt the most attractive man she had ever encountered. Glassy blue eyes. Raven black hair. Eyelashes darn near the length of a ruler. She stared at him often, wanting to kick herself for not wanting him.

Look at him!

He was drop dead gorgous. The water dripping down his body made him a billion - well may a less than a billion - a million times more attractive than he already was. Glory didn't even know it was possible.

She inhaled an unfamiliar scent itching her nose. "Avery, where have you been?"

It was late - after two o'clock at night. Curfew was at eleven. Getting caught after curfew resulted in punishment. Nothing severe - maybe grass or trash duty for a week - But Avery - Avery never broke the rules.

Avery and Glory never see each other outside of the dates they went on. He scheduled everything. The time they'd meet. The time their meeting had to end. He even scheduled when they should not meet. It was crazy.

- And he was here. In her house. After curfew. Glory's never been so shocked in her entire life. The golden boy has broken the rules - and he was in her house! That was unsane!

She slowly handed him the towel she fetched from her bathroom.

He mumbled a "thanks."

Glory was just staring in shock at raven haired man. He also never said thanks. He noticed her staring but didn't say anything about it. Drying his almost non-existent hair.

When Glory finally found her voice it came out as a, "uhhmm." She closed her mouth to her save herself from farther embarrassment. She tried not to stare at his muscles that were perfectly defined under the wet shirt.

"You do realize what time it is? Right?" She finally asked.


"It's like two fourty-five."

His eyes averted to the clock on her bedside table. He didn't look like he thought much of it

"Where've you been?" The scent on him was strong. Stronger than it should have been after coming out from the rain. There was only one explanation for it being that way. He was with another female. He also smelled strongly of forest. Meaning he had been in it for a while. For hours.

He handed the towel to her, she took it, pressing her lips together. She was very confused. She never in a billion years could picture Avery willingly lay with another female. From every other male she wouldn't be surprised. But Avery? The future alpha. Sneaking out of the pack. To meet a female. A femle that wasn't even in their pack. It was unheard of.

She wanted him to sit his ass down and feed her all the glorious details.

He knew she sensed the unfamiliar scent on him. Likely the forest too. She was trained to sniff out details on other wolves. It was useful in lots of areas. Especially tracking.

He licked his lips; biting them. He slouched unlike all the other times he stood tall and proud. "You know I can't go home smelling like this."

"So you came here?" Glory was surprised that he trusted her like that.

He shrugged his shoulders, "your room was lit up."

"I couldn't sleep," Glory's voice was barely a whisper. 

"Do you mind?" Avery pointed at her couch.

She nodded her head yes. It would dry anyway.

He pulled his shirt over his head. Her eyes almost bulging out of her sockets, she wanted to yell, "whoa. Whoa. Whoa." She didn't. He'd probably judge her and give that weird look of his he had whenever she said something irrelevant.

Avery was a very muscular werewolf. When he made certain movements you could see the veins in his arms. His shoulders. His shoulders where probably the best part about him. He was a little to musclar for Glory's type.

Glory was concidered incredibly short for werewolves. So Avery, being six feet and seven inches tall. Pure muscle and eyes that looked like they could burst you to flames. He was pretty flipping intimidating. If she hadn't known him for all her life she'd fear for her life every time she was around him.

She couldn't say the same for all the other females around. Since they were taller in height and likely more defined with muscle - they likely enjoy having him in their view. She always felt insecure when going out on dates with Avery.

Avery held up the shirt. Glory took it and headed to the bathroom, hanging it on the shower rod to dry. She heard Avery plop down on her couch. His feet stuck out on the end. The three seated couch not designed to hold a almost seven foot long alpha. His arms flexed when he folded them over his chest. His heart beat faster than usual. Glory wanted to ask him who it was that he met in the forest. But it wasn't any of her business. He wouldn't answer anyway.

She threw an extra blanket at him without warning. He caught it with one hand without even turning his head.

So with wet jeans and a wet couch. Avery closed his eyes, draping the blanket over his cold wet body - and fell asleep. The cold has never really bothered him. He enjoyed it. Plus, he had the thoughts of a certain female to warm him up.

That night after all the years Glory and Avery had known each other - it was the night that triggered their friendship.

It was the first time he had snuck out to meet someone. It most definitely wasn't the last.

He owned her a lot for keeping his secrets. For letting him crash at her place to let the scent of her wear off. No one ever minded that he did stay over for the night. She was his future mate after all. The future luna of the pack. A little bonding time couldn't hurt.

They certainly were right. In the eyes of the two future rulers anyway. The little bonding time didn't hurt. In fact, neither of them would be where they are if they hadn't had that little bonding time.

"Goodnight Rebel," Glory mumbled a smirk in her face as she cuddled under her blanket. Maybe she was finally going to get some shut eyes.

"Night," he murmured. He was already half asleep even though he was wet and uncomfortable.

Glory shifted her eyes to him, pulling her blanket up to her chin. A smirk once again making its way to her features. He came here. Which meant he trusted her. He trusted her enough not to spill his secret - a big secret. If his parents would know about this they would explode. Their perfect Avery - breaking the rules.

Glory couldn't help but feel smug now that she knew he wasn't as perfect as everyone sought him out to be.

Hold up.

I'm going to limit my update time to every second week until 210 reads because I want to work on other books I suddenly have a wave of inspiration to write.

And in honor of Avery. I wrote this chapter. The sequel of this book will be about Avery.

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