Cappuccino Tonight?

587 36 81

A/N: Favourite social media?

I step out of the warm house and a cold breeze nearly knocks me out immediately. I sigh looking at the white snow under my feet and pull the overcoat more around me. The newly moved couple in the area wave hands towards me and I do the same with a smile.

“Holy Hogwarts!”

A loud curse skips from my mouth watching an owl sitting inside my car as I open the door. My breathe gets heavy as well as my legs. I try to calm myself down and try to make it shove away from the driving seat but it doesn’t work. My eyes widen as I make eye contact with the scary owl but its eyes don’t move.

Swallowing the big lump in my throat. I touch it with my index finger only and shocking me more, it falls down with its legs pointing upwards. Boosting all my courage, I enter inside the car and curse repeatedly under my breath when I find out it’s only a plastic statue. Taking the owl in my hands by its leg, I intend to crash it against any strong surface but stop when I see a piece of paper tied with its leg.

Oh my goodness! I’m a wizard! Am I going to Hogwarts? I’ve always wanted to be in a school where they’d have extra-long dining table piled with foods.

Facepalming myself mentally for my weird thoughts, I untie the paper from its legs and throw the owl to the nearby trash. I sigh when it falls beside the trash instead and a piece of rotten pizza gets hung with its legs.

“Je suis desole?” I whisper the line written on the paper and take a moment to analyze the handwriting.

I roll my eyes before leaving a long breathe and opening Google translate again. It’s none but Louis but what’s he telling me in Spanish again? Damn! It’s not even Spanish, It’s French this time as Google is telling me and it means………………….I’m sorry.

I lean my head against the steering wheel, giggling for not knowing what else to do. What’s his problem with saying that he’s sorry in English? What's his point of this child play?

“I’d make my ears hear I’m sorry in English from your lips Louis, let’s do this.” I shake my head side to side before staring my ride to office.

After passing through the big morning traffics, I finally make my way to the car parking down Artista. It’s a good thing about Zayn that he doesn’t mind a minimum range of music instrument attached to our ears as long as we can hear someone calling us or the phone ringing. Plugging the earphones on, I enter inside my room after the short elevator ride.

A mug of coffee and two files in my hand, that’s how my day starts. Nowadays we’re quite relaxed because the Christmas special edition is already published and the successful news is that ours was the most selling magazine since the past few years. As a young man, Zayn has received a lot of things someone can only dream of.

“Hey Reen!”

Surprising me, Bebe enters inside the room with a lot of shopping bags in her hand. The pen which was dancing between my fingers before she came, falls down on the table as she throws all the bags on the floor dramatically, bunching up her legs on the desk as she sits relax on the chair in front of me. She does the favor of looking at me over her pink sunglasses at last and I cock my eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Oh yeah you deserve an explanation miss Prada wears devil, I mean devil wears Prada.” She laughs throwing her head back as she corrects herself. “I met your boss in the mall and found out that his sister is my new friend. Somehow, you appeared in our conversation because I can never stop blabbering about my best friend and he offered me a ride here. Damn I need to breathe first! Why can't you gimme a minute for fuck's sake Reen?"

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