Exhausted but Still Beautiful

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Quesoftheday: If you have a tattoo which one is your favourite and if you don't, what art/writing you want to be your first one?

Thanks infinity for all the previous support, you guys are siiicckkk, you've all of me. xz

I carefully yawn sitting on the couch so that no sound is made like the last time when Louis almost killed me by his glare for breaking the silence of the room. Since 9 am in the morning we've been preparing for the presentation and recounting the papers we need for tomorrow's conference.

It's a challenge for any company to be choosen for participating in the conference, let alone representing the company. Louis is the youngest member of all the participant CEOs who's company isn't inherited but established newly by himself and receiving the opportunity.

But I really want to see what the hell is about this conference which is making me pass through this uneventful phase of life!

I look at Louis from the corner of my eyes and see his head buried among the loads of papers, his laptop not covering his focused face like a while ago.

He's a different kind of beautiful when exhausted but still beautiful.

"Can you make me coffee Oren?" Louis snaps not even looking at me.

"Gladly." I sigh finally being able to have some allowance to breathe out of this silence.

I walk to the kitchen and throw my hair up in a bun before reaching towards the kitchen stuff to make coffee for me and Louis. I stop in the middle when my phone blinks the message notification tone. I quickly reach my phone thinking its Oren but it's not. It's Styles.

*Good afternoon British beauty! Not bothered to calm my nerves down by texting you, missing you lately. So what are you doing? On desk? H.*

*Hello Mr. Cheesy champ. Miss you too. Not on desk, on counter, Just making some coffee you mess. You?*

*Passing some boring lonely time on the couch. So you can have coffee with Louis every day and you don't have time when I asked you to. So misjudging you're. H*

*Not misjudging when he's the one I work for and have to spend most of time with him. Maybe some other time, when I'd visit New York again.*

*I'd be waiting for that day or I'd rather go to England and have tea with you instead of coffee. All the best for tomorrow. H*

*You're always invited Harry, thanks, same to you, see you tomorrow.*

Finally I end the chat and concentrate making coffee for Louis and me.
I know Harry is a person Louis doesn't like. I also know that being our strongest business competitor is one of the reasons. But I don't get why Louis presented him to me as a bad guy. I can't deny that Harry is a bit flirty with his words but not in a cringy level. Every guy doesn't have to be with a attractive reserved personality like Louis. I like this Harry guy and Louis is not my cup of tea, not even with extra sugar.

"Here you go." I pass Louis the mug of coffee.

"Don't go." He stops me when I turn around towards the couch I was sitting a while ago. "I need some help here in editing this diagram."

I turn around and walk towards him again. Keeping my coffee on the low round table in front of him. I slightly bend town to reach the height of his laptop's screen.

"Ugh....sorry." I shove all of my hair to my right shoulder realizing that it's disturbing Louis on the face.

"So this is the one which describes the balance between our profit and investment, especially if the profit has developed incredibly by crossing the investment band or not. So last year............."

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