Once we had arrived at Diagon Alley, I was apsolutely speechless. Diagon Alley is such a beautiful place. It's colourful, full of happiness, and i could not believe how happy some people can actually be.
"Right kids, lets go and get your uniform. Harmony, if you go with your father to get your school equipment, I will take Draco and Hannah to get their uniforms from Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions." Narcissa said to us.
"Ok, come on then Harmony, lets go." Lucius said kindly to Harmony, and soon enough, Harmony and Lucius had gone into a shop called Flourish and Blots book shop.
As we stepped into the shop, Madame Malkin's robes for all occasions, a very squat, smiling witch, dressed in purple came over.
"Hello dears, my name is Madame Malkin. Are you here to buy uniform for Hogwarts?" Madame Malkin asked friendly.
"Yes madame, we are". Narcissa said back.
"Very well, lets take you into the back, and we will get you measured up." Madame Malkin kindly said, with a friendly smile on her face.
Once we had bought our uniform from Madame Malkins, Narcissa lead us to a shop with a window full of books.
"Right, this is Flourish and Blotts bookshop. We'll quickly go into their, get our books and then go and get your cauldrons." Narcissa told us.
As we walked into Flourish and Blotts, there were even more books. Some of these I had often seen on the shelf of the reception at the Malfoys, and inb my Dads office back at home, and there were others i had never even seen in my life.
"Right, we'll better be quick in here, because we've still got three shops to go to, and Lucius has a meeting in 1 hour, so chip chop." Narcissa said, panacing slightly.
"Auntie Narcissa". I said politely.
"Yes, Hannah". Narcissa kindly replied.
"I only have two galleons left, and you said that I can only afford two books with that." I said, slightly worried.
"Ok, I think we'd better to go to Gringotts bank, to get you some more money. Right, Draco dear, your father and sister are just over there. Will you go over there and join them whilst I take Hannah to Gringotts, and will you also tell your father to get yours, and your cousins books." Narcissa ordered Draco.
"Yes Mother." Draco sighed, and went to join his father and Harmony.
"Now, lets go". Narcissa said.
As we approched Gringotts, I realised just how happy i was to be a Witch in the Wizarding World.
''Right, when we get inside, dont say anything rude about the workers. They are goblins. Very intelligent, but can be very disrespectful." Narcissa told me (her voice sounded very strict.)
"Yes, ok". I politely answered.
As we walked into Gringotts, there was a serious awkward silence between me and my aunt. Once we were right inside, all we could practically see were piles and piles of wizarding money, and at lease 30 goblins, stamping letters, counting money and weighing money. A strange looking goblin approched the desk and he climbed up the stall, so he was tall enough to see us.
"huhumm". Narcissa muttered, trying to get the goblins (names griphook) attention.
"Madame Malfoy". The goblin said to narcissa, as he looked up and examined mine and narcissa's faces.