Ch. 4

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"Not now, John," Mom cut him off as she gritted her teeth.

"What? Tell me, dad. Ever since what?" I urged, raising my voice.

Dad sighed heavily, running his fingers through his chestnut locks. "Tell you what, pumpkin pie. Why don't you go do some exploring on your own for a little bit? Just walk around and gather your thoughts, then meet us back here in fifteen minutes, alright? Your mom and I need to have a little talk."

I narrowed my eyes. "Fine, but you and mom better tell me what's happening by then."

He gave a slight chuckle before responding, "I promise. And remember to stick to stick to the sidewalk; it'll lead you right back here."

As I walked through the populous district, my frustration was momentarily dispersed when I heard the jubilant chatters from all around me. It was such a blissful moment, that I couldn't help but wonder if this is the world that I truly belonged in.

I suddenly felt a hotness on the nape of my neck, and after making contact with the perspiration embedded on my skin, I slowly took off the thick wooly jacket while moving my neck back and forth to get rid of the dull ache. It was devastatingly humid.

After closing my eyes for a split second, my body immediately collided with something, or someone.

I groaned loudly as I made contact with the hard ground, not realizing the slight action had exposed the mark I so desperately wanted to conceal.

"Bloody hell, are you alright there?" a voice called out from above, extending an outstretched hand.

"No, it's fi"- I started before the stranger's appearance stopped me dead in my tracks.

The boy looked around my age, with a well-built stature and steel eyes that seemed to illuminate in the burning sun. But that hair...there was something strangely familiar about that hair.

"Excuse me, but have we met before?" I inquired.

As the stranger's fingers glided through his platinum hair, he shook his head. "I don't believe so. Do you live in these parts?" he asked.

"Well...more or less. I guess I do technically live here."

"Good to know. I'm Luka. Luka Morlington."

Even his name sounded fancy. "It's nice to meet you...?"

He gave out a little laugh. "You don't sound sure. But then again, I did inadvertently caused you pain. Are you sure you're alright?"

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm sure. Are you always this friendly with strangers?"

"Only the pretty ones, of course," he said as he gave a little wink, "By the way, nice tattoo."

"What tattoo..?" I drifted off before the realization finally hit me. I quickly glanced down at my arm in horror and sure enough, the mark was as clear as day.

In a blink of a second, I covered it with the jacket and repeatedly shook my head. "Oh no, that's not a tattoo. It's more of like a..."

"...temporary tattoo?"

I decided to roll with it just he would stop asking questions. "That is exactly what I was about to say."

"If you say so. But just wondering, what school do you go to?"

Before I could reply, he quickly dragged me towards the side of the street, narrowly missing the bustling crowd by a mere inches.

"I do-don't think you'll know it; it's pretty unpopular. What about you?" I lied, hoping he wouldn't see through it.

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