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"Nathan! I'm back from In N Out." I heard another unfamiliar voice along the way, but I knew it was Nathan's other sister, other than Alice.

I felt weight pressed against me a little, so when I looked up I saw Nathan asleep and it was pretty cute. I didn't know if I should wake him up or should go downstairs but I heard some footsteps coming up so I just froze because Nathan had a girl in his bed and that girl was me.

Nathan's sister knocked on the door so I just tensed, this was going to be really awkward but I'd have to live with it. "Nathan." She said.

I'm pretty sure she was really confused why it was quiet and that the TV was only turned on. But Nathan wasn't waking up anytime sooner.

The door was slowly opening and I can tell she was already looking at me in how I was laying my head on her brothers chest because by her reaction she was surprised and shock.

"Please don't kill me." I begged.

"I'm not going to kill you." She laughed a little, "But who are you and why are laying your head on my brothers chest?" She smirked.

"I'm Mia, you might of heard me before?" I said.

Her expression was blank for a second I could tell. "Not a clue." Yup that's what I thought.

"Golden girl of figure skating? My injury story?" I said, trying to get her a clue at least.

"Ohh you're Mia Evans, I've heard about you before. Didn't you compete in the Grand Prix and get silver." I nodded my head. I'm surprised she actually knew that.

"I'm not really very well known now a days because your brother here is." I confessed.

"Well you and my brother are trending all over social media because he catched you on you're triple axel so that's a catch."

I heard a groan coming from someone and that was definitely a wake up call from Nathan. "What happened here." He says sheepishly.

"Well you're In N Outs here." I pointed at his sister holding the bag.

"Sweet." He weakly smiled.

"By the way I'm Janice." She smiled.

I have to admit she isn't that bad of a sibling. Janice handed Nathan his In N Out and before she left the room, she just had to say the most disgusting thing ever. "Don't forget to use protection." She smirked and then laughed.

"Gross we're only 17." Nathan said and threw a pillow at her. I just randomly started laughing even though I found it disgusting.

Janice just stuck her tongue out at us and threw the pillow the back.

"Whatever but you better appreciate me by buying you that In N Out." She said.

"Thank you." Nathan said.

Janice just left the room and I was still laughing and giggling at one point. "What are you laughing at." He smiled at me.

"Your sister, I love her more then you."

"How? I literally woke up to my own laundry just because of her."

"Now see that's even more funny." I laughed again.

"That's it Mia." He said, I didn't know what he was doing but he just randomly started tickling and I hated it because I was a ticklish person but it was a good moment.

"Stop it Nathan Stop." I giggled, I couldn't get out of this ugh.

He kept tickling me and I couldn't resist from getting out of it but I just kept laughing and begging him to stop.

"Nathan." I yelled and giggled the same time.

"I'll stop if you say that I'm a better." He said.

"Never!" I laughed more and more.

He literally really wanted to be called better because he wasn't tired of tickling of me and I was tired being tickled so I had to say it. "Fine fine your better than Janice." I said.

"Thank you very much."

I could tell he was really happy about it because after he didn't stop smiling.

"Now eat your In N out you goofball." I said.

He nodded his head and took out his burger out of the bag. It looked really good. But I was actually on a diet so I just couldn't.

"You know I'm just gonna take this." I mumbled. Instead of having the burger or at least try a bit of it I decided to take his fries and let me tell you In N Out fries are so good and I don't regret taking it.

"At least let me have some." He said, after he chewed a piece of a burger.

I handed him the box of fries and he took some, "aren't you suppose to be on a diet." I asked.

He shook his head while eating the fries. "You have a competition in like 3 to 4 days, what are you doing to yourself."

I shook my head and just laid back down while putting my fingers through my hair.

After half an hour later of eating, I threw a crumpled up In N Out bag in Nathan's trash can and it actually landed which I was really happy about.

Nathan was impressed by it too because after we talked about basketball for a solid 45 minutes until we got tired.

"You're not that bad Mia."

"Same to you Nathan."

Nathan and I went back to the same position we we're in before. I laid my head on his chest and he held me tight, yup that's what I meant.

We we're both in the same position like this for awhile because we ended up watching a Harry Potter movie.

The cutest thing I found about Nathan is that he has a celebrity crush on Emma Watson.(not even joking he actually does) .The weird thing for me is that my celebrity crush is Justin Bieber and that I love all of his songs from now and then, so sorry to all those people out their.

Few mins later we we're both knocked out sleeping.

I'm making this 3 in the morning & I was about to fall asleep while writing this.

I have no school & I'm happy about it 🙂 because this whole week we have spirit week & our dance on Saturday at school but yet I'm like sad at one point because the Olympics are so close from ending 😔

also this book is crappy I know 🙈
but thank you all for 2k

- marinel

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