Two Teething Babies

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            *So this is just a random One Shot idea that came to mind! It is quite long but, I hope you all enjoy it!*

Demi's POV

I heard the door bell ring as I walked into my daughters room, they were both not feeling well today. The reason? I think they are both teething, they keep rubbing their faces and grabbing at the ears. I was by myself today since Nick as at the recording studio, it's not even ten in the morning my stress level is already through the roof.

"Mama...Mama!" Emery cried when I walked into their bedroom, she was holding onto her crib with one hand on the side of the crib while standing. She also had her right hand one her right ear pulling quite hard on her ear making it red.

"Sweet girl, are your ears hurting?" I asked quietly while picking her up, she cried as she buried her head into my shoulder. I kissed her head gently as I turned to see Rosie still asleep, I turned out of their bedroom when I heard the doorbell ring again. "Let's go get the door baby girl."

          We made it to the front door where I looked through the peep hole in the door spotting my older sister Dallas standing outside. I quickly opened the door with a smile "Dal, I've missed you!" I said hugging my sister tightly, "Come in."

          "I've missed you guys too! Where is Rosie and Nick?" She asked sitting her bag down along with her purse as I shut the door behind me, "Nick is at the studio recording some of his new songs for his album. Rosie is upstairs still sleeping."

         We walked into the living room area talking about anything and everything like sisters do. As we sat down on the couch Dallas reached for Emery, she shook her head no before laying back down into my shoulder as she was biting her fingers.

           "Sorry Dal, both girls are teething right now. I'm actually going to have to take them to the doctor at 12:30 just to make sure they are just teething and aren't actually sick." I said as I kissed Emery's forehead, she was a little warm.

       Dallas smiled down at Emery as she rubbed her back, "I'm sorry Emme, I didn't know you weren't feeling good."

         "I'm going to go get her one of the teething rings in the freezer to take down the swelling in her gums." I said standing back up with Emery still glued to my hip. I quickly pulled out one of the frozen rings and handed it to Emme, watching as she sucked and chewed on the cold ring.

         "Okay, Dallas how are you feeling?" I asked readjusting Emery onto my lap as I sat down onto the couch next to Dallas again. Emery chewed on her frozen teething ring as she laid her head against my chest.

          "Good, I think I finally got our the morning sickness. I mean I'm three weeks into my second trimester, so I'm feeling pretty great."  She said as she grabbed her phone from her pants pocket quickly bringing up the newest ultrasound picture of her baby.

            "Oh my gosh, so precious. I can't wait to be an auntie again." I said looking at her phone at the picture of my new niece or nephew.

"I'm excited to, I can't wait to find out the baby's gender. We can find out soon, once we do I think we our going to have everyone come over and we will have dinner. Then maybe cut a cake that will be pink or blue on the inside."

          "That's such a good idea Dallas! I can't wait!" I said bouncing emery on my lap which made her giggle. "I remember when you first told Nick and I your were pregnant! I don't think I've been that excited since I was pregnant."

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