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DAY SIX cont.:

I dazedly walk out of the bathroom after spending almost two hours doing nothing but stare at the space where Leon once sat. My thoughts emptied after Leon walked away, it is like I feel empty inside with no feelings or emotions making their way into my body. My legs carry me along the hallways as if they have a mind of their own. Everything feels numb and I am in shock at what's happened. Leon and I are no longer together, we broke up, well, Leon decided to break up with me after what happened today.

While I understand why he did what he did, I wish we could have talked things through before making the decision to break us up. I know I shouldn't have kissed Espen, I shouldn't have agree to do it in the first place! I feel horrible and I know everything that has happened today has been my fault. I knew coming back home would be a horrible idea, I should never have agreed to do this.

I round the corner that leads to the stair cases and see my father walking down the stairs, his gaze lands on me and I force a smile onto my lips which doesn't work and it falters. He continues to walk down and stands before me, he smiles sincerely and I bite back my tears that try to break their way through.

"My darling girl, are you alright?" My father asks resting his hands on my upper arms. I let a shaky breath out and shake my head, it's no use in lying to my father when I look as broken as I feel.

"I don't feel so good." I mutter looking to my feet. My bottom lip wobbles and my eyes continue to fill with tears, I am about to crumble any second.

"Has it got something to do with the two boys who look like they've been fighting with each other?" My father wonders and I nod softly at his words.

"I've been so stupid, papa." I struggle to get out before my tears slip out.

"My darling Anna." My father sighs softly and wraps me in his arms. I break down into tears against his chest, my knees wobble as my legs feel like they are about to give out at any second.

"Let's get you upstairs to your room, you needn't worry about anything but yourself at the moment." My father tells and helps me walk up the stairs to the bedroom I am staying in. I cling onto my father as I cry hard at what's happened today, my head hurts from the constant crying and I can't seem to stop even when I try. My emotions are getting the better of me, my tears are never ending. My father pushes the door open to the bedroom and sets me gently on the bed, I curl into a ball as I still cry. He brushes away some hair that falls in front of my face.

"I'll tell your mother that you don't feel too well and won't be down for the dinner, you get some rest and I'll talk with Leon and Espen. You know we love you and whatever has happened today, your mother and I will always take your side because you are our daughter." My father says resting his hand on top of my hair and gently strokes my hair. I nod at his words, tears still fall from my eyes. I wish he wouldn't take my side, but he's my father and that's what parents do.

"I'll get Maria to bring you up some food so you don't have to come down, I'll see you later." My father sighs and stands up from the bed. He takes one last look at me before leaving the room.

I roll over onto my back and look up at the ceiling, I grab the pillow underneath me and place it against my stomach. It smells like Leon; his scent is ingrained in the pillow and it causes more tears to fill in my eyes as I think about him.

LOSING SELF-CONTROL: BOOK ONE [ LEON DRAISAITL ]Where stories live. Discover now