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Before I tell you anything, I must warn you that this might be a bit...disturbing.

You are aware that humans are not the only species on Earth, yes? If not, then...well, there are.

These non-human species on Earth are flora and fauna, as well as microorganisms. Now, I have discovered a tradition amongst the humans, which is keeping certain fauna inside their haws.

I have researched about the most common fauna kept as pets, and I have discovered that the most common are... the dogs and the cats, if I am not mistaken. These fauna have fur and make odd noises.

Now, you may be wondering what humans do to these poor fauna. Well, luckily, most pets are not mistreated. Instead, they are well-fed - although sometimes their edibles are not well fit to their digestive system - and taken for 'exercise'. However, I, myself, feel a great amount of sympathy for those whose human companion is busy, and therefore, are stuck inside a haws for quite some time with nothing to do; except for the occasional temporary human companion.

When I first looked into the idea of pets, I was disturbed. Now, I look at it as a way for humans, whether single or with other humans, to bring joy.

Maybe I should consider adopting a Lollo.

A/N: Yay!! I know this is very short, but aren't all my chapters are? XD Also, who's proud of Onkie for spelling pets, cats, and dogs correctly? I am! (It's probably the biggest thing this whole chapter.) After a (meager) amount of digital pepper, and chapters that made me feel like I wanted to crush my phone with a rok (not to mention the endless amount of shawpin trips I wrote this chapter during), we finally got there! Onkie. Has. Learned. How. To. Spell!!!!

Make sure to turn the star orange if you're proud of Onkie and comment if you have an idea on what Onkie should (mis)spell next!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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