Spongebob square pants bootleg episode

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#this chapter featured, the bootleg episode of spongebob square pants titled dumped they claim if they see spongebob picture at end they see the spongebob eyes blinking#

Shun: hey readers we going to watching this bootleg episode of spongebob square pants titled dumped, and as you see in creepypasta, spongebob eyes is blinking if we stare at image for several minutes let's do it

Hyoga: yeah...! Do it!!

(The video started with title dumped, and they know it the audio is unusual just like buzzing sound static sounds but image is displayed in very bad quality, as reaches at the end they stare at spongebob creepy picture to claim the eye blink, and of course he blinking one times per 8 minutes)

Shun: ah man he just stare us very sadly without mouth hahaha

Seiya: I'm confused why you told so...

Shun: because that was gif not the regular picture

Shiryu: exactly gif with poor animation timing

Hyoga: that was bad I can see sound of episode a bit and the rest of sounds is static...

Ikki: image looked like we play it at VHS tape...

Shun: and also it was just bootleg that I see in this tape

Seiya: heck yeah

Hyoga: next chapter we will watch max and ruby episode that cut off footage that titled "RIP mommy and daddy"

Shun: eh really? Uh... Yeah okay but after video "squidward's suicide" okay?

Hyoga: okay...

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