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We finally arrived at my house. I stepped out of the car before Jimin and then I walked to the door and opened it. Later, Jimin followed me into the house. " Oh god.. What a tired day.. " Jimin said while groaning and sat down at the couch. I chuckled then I sat down beside him. " Hmm.. Do we have any homework ? " I asked him. " Emm.. I don't think so.. " He answered. " If so.. You wanna watch a movie tonight ? " I said, looking at him. He turned his head to look at me. " Sounds great.. "

He said while smiling. " Okay, good.. Let's get ready then.. " I said then grabbed his arm, pulling him upstairs with me. I went to my room and he went to his room. As soon as I stepped into my room, I threw my bag to my bed, grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. After I finished refreshing myself, I picked an outfit and do my hair. I decided not to wear makeup tonight.

Perfect ! I said to myself then I ran downstairs and sat down at the couch, waiting for Jimin

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Perfect ! I said to myself then I ran downstairs and sat down at the couch, waiting for Jimin. Oh yes guys ! I forgot to tell you that I always say 'perfect' everytime after I done wearing any clothes, in front of the mirror. It's weird.. I know.. A few minutes later, Jimin came. He wears.. Emm.. Almost the same clothes as me ??

 Almost the same clothes as me ??

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No ! Not clothes ! I mean, jacket.. Yes jacket ! Just that his jacket is a little bit lighter. He frowned when he saw me staring at his clothes. He looked at himself. Soon, there is a smirk curved on his lips. " Now.. This is what we call.. Mate.. " He said. Mate.. I blushed at his words. And he noticed it. His smirk grew wide. He walked closer to me. When he is TOO close to me, I moved backwards. What is wrong with this boy ?? Soon, our face only 1 cm away. 1 CM !

" Blushing I see, kitten ? " He said with his deep and husky voice. Both of his hands already trapped me by putting it on the couch. Oh my god.. He never does this before. " Emm.. Let's go.. We-We're gonna be late.. " I pushed him by his chest and then I ran to the door and stepped out of the house without waiting for him. Jimin is just standing there while smirking.

Oh my god.. It's so fun to tease your own crush you know. She look so cute when she is blushing. Well.. You tease me before kitten. Now.. It's time for me to get revenge.

We arrived at the cinema. Both of us got out of Jimin's car and walked to the cinema. Jimin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we talked and sometimes laughed while walking to the cinema. Totally forgot about what happened a while ago. Well, of course. That is what best friend does right ?

But I hope we're not best friend.. Anyways, everyone are looking at us and some of them smiling while whispering something to their friend. " Aren't they cute ? Just look at them ! Wear matching jacket, the boy wrapped his arm around her shoulder.. OMG ! So cute ! " One of them said. Wow, so loud ! And her words make me smiled a little. We ignored all of them and just walked to the cinema.

Two hours later, both of us stepped out of the theatre and walked to one of the bench. " Tonight is so fun ! " He said while smiling. " Yup ! It is.. " I said while smiling too. Suddenly, I saw someone that I hate the most. SEULGI. She's here ?? Well.. She's with her friend. I think her name is Lisa. They are sitting at a bench that is not that far from us. I rolled my eyes.

I planned to be happy tonight. But it looks like she's already ruined the plan. But.. Suddenly.. An idea popped in my head. I smirked. And Jimin noticed it. " What's with that smirk, kitten ? " He asked me. I turned my head to look at him. " Let me ask you a question first.. Do you have a mood to be a playboy tonight ? " My question make him frowned.

" Wh-What ? " He asked. I pointed at Seulgi and Lisa . He turned his head to look at them. As soon as he saw them, he smirked. He looked at me. " No wonder.. " He said. My smirk grew wide. " Then go.. " I said. He moved closer to me. " Reward ? " He asked. " Reward ? Hmm.. " I rubbed my chin while trying to think. I looked at him. " A kiss.. " My words make his eyes sparkle. I wonder why. " But ! On your cheek.. " I said. Make him pouted. I chuckled. " Fine.. But ! I want you to come with me.. " He said. I raised an eyebrow. " Eh ? " I asked.

" Come on.. " He said. I rolled eyes playfully. " Fine.. " I said and then both of us walked over to Seulgi and Lisa. " Hello ladies.. " Jimin said as soon as both of us stand in front of them. Seulgi and Lisa looked at us. " Ji-Jimin.. Y-Y/N.. " Lisa said, stuttering. Jimin smirked. He looked at Seulgi. " Hello beautiful.. We meet again.. " He said. I can see that Seulgi is blushing. I shook my head while smirking. I also can see that Lisa is staring at Jimin. So, I moved to Jimin's ear.

" Lisa is staring at you.. " I whispered. Make him look at Lisa. Lisa looked away. His smirk grew wide. He moved closer to Lisa. " Why are you staring at me ? Miss me baby ? " He said in his deep and husky voice. Lisa is blushing. I mentally face palmed myself because of Jimin. He is making TWO girls blushing at the same time. Oh my god.. Jimin pulled away from Lisa. " If you don't mind Lisa, I want to borrow your friend for a while.. " He said. " Come.. "

He said while grabbing Seulgi's arm and brought her to somewhere else. A few minutes later, they came back. Seulgi is still blushing and she is smiling. What happen ? Jimin is smirking of course. Seulgi walked to the bench and sat down beside Lisa. I can see that Jimin is holding his handphone. Wait.. Number ?? It's impossible that Jimin can get her number just like that. Jimin walked to me. I raised an eyebrow. He winked. I rolled my eyes. " Okay.. Thank you Seulgi.. See you at school tomorrow.. Bye.. " He said then he grabbed my arm and both of us walked away.

I see Y/N and Jimin walked away, holding hand. They are couple or something ? If they are, why did he asked for my number ?? " Seulgi.. " Lisa called me. I turned my head to her. " Yes ? " I asked. " What did you do with him just now ? " She asked. " Oh ! He asked for my number.. Hihi.. " I said. Lisa's eyes widen. " What ? And you gave it to him ?? " She asked. I slowly nodded. Lisa face palmed herself. " Oh my god.. What's wrong with you Kang Seulgi.. He definitely will call you, make you fall for him, make you date him and then he will dump you.. "

She said again. Suddenly, I feel angry. How many times did she has to say the same thing ?! And it sounds like she don't like me being with Jimin. " So what ?! I like him ! I don't care what will happen ! And you know what ? To be honest, I want him to be mine ! Only mine ! I want him to be my boyfriend ! That's it ! " I raised my voice to her than I walked away. Leaving Lisa alone and dumbfounded..

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