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The Rooftop

All of us walked towards the cafeteria and suddenly I remembered kitten. I walked a little bit faster then as soon as I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw Y/N sitting on one of the table, waiting for us while playing her phone. I smiled then I went to her.

While I was waiting for Jimin and BTS to arrived, suddenly I felt someone hugged me from behind. I rolled my eyes as I knew who it is. " You guys late.. Why ? " I asked then I felt a kiss landed on my left cheek. I looked at him. He is smiling cutely, showing his eye smile.

I rolled my eyes then I focused on my phone back

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I rolled my eyes then I focused on my phone back. Jimin sat down beside me as usual. " We're so sorry, baby.. We got something to do just now.. Sorry okay ? " He said while looking at me. I looked at him then I sticked my tounge out. He chuckled then he hugged me. " I take that as a yes to forgive me.. " He said. I shook my head. Then I saw BTS came then they sat down. " Wow.. So clingy, huh Jimin ? " Seokjin said then chuckled. Jimin and I also chuckled. Then Jimin pulled away. " Well, she's my girlfriend.. So I can do anything with her.. " He said. I chuckled again. " HELP ! " All of us turned towards the voice. Almost all the students also turned their head to see what is happening. There is a boy that is standing in front of the door, sweating and panting.

" GUYS, HELP ! BAEKHYUN, THE NEW STUDENT, BADLY INJURED ! HELP ! " He shouted so that everyone can hear it. Some of them ran outside to help Baekhyun. I frowned. Baekhyun badly injured ?.. I looked at BTS and Jimin. They are making innocent face and.. Whistling like nothing.. Happened ?.. " Guys ? " I spoke. All of them looked at me. " Yes ? " They replied. Suddenly, I thought about something. Wait.. My eyes widen. I looked at them. " Guys.. Tell me.. Baekhyun is badly injured because of.. You all ?.. " I asked. They looked at me with widen eyes. " No ! " They said together. " Tell me the truth and only the truth.. " I said with a stern voice. They remained silent. Didn't dare to open their mouth. But now, all I can see, all of their eyes are at.. JIMIN.. I turned my head to Jimin. " Jimin.. Tell me.. Now.. " I said.

Still with the stern voice. Jimin looked at me and stared at me for a moment. Later, he sighed. " Okay, fine ! Yes, yes ! We did it.. We beat him.. " His words make the others looked at him immediately. " Hey, not us ! You're the one that beat him until he is bleed ! " " You can't dragged us too ! " We didn't beat him that much ! You did ! " " Okay, okay.. Chill.. Fine, I beat him until he bleed.. They only kicked him.. And yes.. He badly injured because of me.. " Jimin said, cutting the other's sentences. I looked at him in disbelief. " Why did you do that ? Why did you hurt him ? " I said angrily. Immediately, his eyes met mine.

" Why are you mad at me ?? Why are you defending him although he tried to do something stupid to you yesterday ?? " He said, also with an angry voice. " I'm not mad at you.. But you don't have to beat him.. Everyone will think that you are a really bad guy.. And who knows, maybe his family will sue you.. " I said, not really in an angry voice. He rolled his eyes. " And do I look like I care ?? And you know what ? I think you actually defending him but you said something else as an excuse.. What's wrong with you ?? You don't even appreciate what I did for you.. ONLY YOU ! " He said angrily then he stand up, walking away.

" Jimin ! PARK JIMIN ! " I yelled his name but he ignored me. I sighed in frustration. " Oh my god.. " I said in a low tone. " Y/N.. " I looked at Namjoon, the one that called me. " Go to him.. Coax him.. Okay ? Jimin has a sensitive heart actually.. But if someone coax him, especially you.. He will be more than okay.. " He said , smiling warmly at me. I curved a small smile. " Thanks oppa.. I will go to him now.. " I said then I stand up and walked away. Rooftop.. Yes.. Yes ! Jimin always go to the rooftop when he is angry or sulking.

I walked away from them. I heard Y/N shouted my name but I ignored her. Why.. Why kitten.. Why did you defended him, huh ? I know that I hurt you before. But please don't hurt me by doing the same thing I ACCIDENTALLY did to you before.. I walked towards the rooftop. This is the place where I will go if I am sulking or angry with someone. More like I want to find peace you know ? I sat down, feeling the cold breeze touched my face. I closed my eyes and clear my mind.

And there is a little bit of my feeling that said, I want kitten to come and coax me.. Suddenly, I felt someone hugged me from behind. I smiled a little bit. I know you will come baby..  " What are you doing here ? " I asked, playing hard to get. " Well.. To be your company oppa.. " She said. Wait.. This is not Y/N's voice ! I immediately stand up to see who is hugging me. And yes, it's not Y/N. It's Seulgi. She is smiling seductively at me. " What the hell are you doing here ?! "

I raised my voice at her. She pouted. " Oh come on.. I know that bitch hurt your heart just now.. So I came here to coax you.. " She said, trying to grab my arm but I snatched her arm away. " Leave.. " I said sternly. She shook her head like a little kid. She thought she is a kid or what ?! " Nope.. I don't want to.. " She said . I started to feel angry. With that, I pulled her by her arm and dragged her to the door.

" Ow ! It hurts ! Let me go Jimin ! " She said while trying to make me let her hand go but I ignored her and just dragged her. I pushed her so that she no longer stand inside the rooftop. And at the same time, I saw Y/N. You came.. I tried to hide my smile as possible. And I can see that Seulgi didn't noticed Y/N's presence. " Why, why Jimin ?! Why you love that slut and not me ?! Why ??!! " She yelled and I can see that her eyes is teary. " Why are you so sad by the way ? How can you love me SO much although you're new here ? You don't even know me.. You only know me as a popular boy and also a playboy in this school.. " I said. Making Seulgi stood silent.

" Now, leave.. " I said. She took a last glance at me then she turned around to walk away. But she jumped a little bit when she saw Y/N is standing in front of her. " So pathethic.. " Y/N said calmly. Seulgi just walked away, not wanting to fight with Y/N I guess. But before she could, Y/N pulled her leg out, making Seulgi tripped on it. I laughed. Y/N chuckled. " This is what you get for calling me a slut, bitch.. " She said then she walked towards me. Seulgi quickly got up and walked away. I looked at Y/N. She pulled me inside the rooftop and locked the door.

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