Chapter 15

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            “I’m sorry, Ms. Amanda,” Kayla said, as Amanda sat on the chair, sobbing into paper towels.

            “It’s okay, it’s not your fault,” Amanda said, as Edward rubbed her back, “I never knew anyone would know about Jesse and me, other than our old friends.”

            “I’m sorry,” Kayla said, and explained, “It’s my fault actually. I sort of fought with him and called him names, so he told me about you to show that he’s not hard-hearted as I thought he was.”

            “He told you everything?” Amanda asked, looking at Kayla through tear-rimmed eyes.

            “No, he just showed me your photo and told me your name,” Kayla said truthfully, “I don’t know your story. I just recognized you when you told me your name, and it caught me off-guard. I’m sorry again.”

            “It’s not your fault, really,” Amanda said, and she turned to look at Edward, “Honey, what if he still hasn’t forgiven us?”

            “Don’t worry,” Edward said, patting her head, “He will forgive us one day.”

            “I think I will leave now,” Kayla said, as Amanda nodded her head. Kayla left before the family said anything, heaving a huge sigh on the road outside – glad not to be an intruder in the family affair. So much of drama, she thought. She wanted to know what happened between Jesse, Amanda and Edward, but she knew she was in no position to find out their personal matter.

            “Kayla,” she turned to see Jesse’s mother coming towards her.

            “Yes, auntie,” she said.

            “I don’t want you to think wrong of this family,” Mrs. McCartney said, placing her hand on Kayla’s arm, “I really feel happy to see you, and I do hope that you will come back to see me.”

            “Are you sure, ma’am,” Kayla asked her, “What if Mr. Edward and Ms. Amanda don’t want me to come back here?”

            “They won’t say that,” Mrs. McCartney said, “Amanda’s just shocked to hear Jesse’s name. We haven’t said his name in a long time.”

            “I’m sorry,” Kayla said, feeling her face grow hot, as tears started to spring in her eyes.

            “It isn’t your fault,” Mrs. McCartney said, “its Jesse’s fault. Don’t you beat yourself up about it; go home now, and I will call you.”

            Kayla took a bus to her apartment, thinking about Jesse, wondering what happened to him when he found out about Amanda and Edward. He must have been so torn up. She wondered what had made Edward steal Amanda away from his own brother. She dared not wonder further, who knows what complications had arise to make that situation happen. Feeling a little gloomy, Kayla decided to take a walk in the City Park, as it would be a shame to ignore the cool evening breeze blowing.

            She walked along the path surrounding the park consumed in her thoughts, when suddenly she felt someone following her. She turned to see that there was no one on the path behind her. Feeling cautious, she quickened her footsteps, as she heard someone walking fast behind her. She turned quickly and saw that she was being followed none other than by Nicky, in his nerdy disguise.

            “Oh, it’s you,” she exclaimed, as she laughed to herself.

            “Who’d you think it was?” Nicky said, walking to her.

            “I was thinking of countless other things,” she replied, as she turned to continue walking with Nicky beside her, “why aren’t you out having fun?”

            “I was hoping I’d run into you here,” Nicky replied, as she looked at him, and then smiled.

            “I haven’t come here in a few weeks now since the last I met you here,” she replied, looking at the path in front of her, her hands in her jacket pocket.

            “I came here every week,” Nicky said, “Finally I saw you here today. I’m glad I came; as I was thinking of giving up walking here.”

            “So that means I should buy you an ice-cream then,” Kayla said, beaming, “Since you have been patiently waiting for me.”

            “Yup, it’s your turn,” Nicky said, as they found their way to Mr. Jensen’s stall. They had the same flavored ice-cream like the last time, sitting on a bench to finish it.

            “Where did you go the whole day?” Nicky asked, as Kayla’s expression changed. He noticed the change, but never commented on it.

            “Just to the mall to get some things,” Kayla said, and realized that she had left everything at Mrs. McCartney’s house, “Oh no – I’ve left my things else-where.”

            “Where did you leave it?” Nicky asked, licking his ice-cream.

            “In an old woman’s house,” Kayla said, being honest, but not telling Nicky who the woman was, “I helped her take her things to her house, but I think I might have left my things there.”

            “Do you want to go and get it?” Nicky asked eager to help her.

            “No, it doesn’t matter,” Kayla said, sighing, “I can go and buy those things again.”

            “What did you buy anyway?” Nicky asked, looking at a couple strolling pass them.

            “Just a new toothbrush, some instant noodles, bread, cheese, some snacks and a Snickers bar,” Kayla said, listing down the items that she lost.

            “Snickers bar?” Nicky asked, looking at her, as he finished his ice-cream.

            “Yes, I love Snickers bars,” Kayla said, smiling.

            “I love them too,” Nicky said, “Beats a Mars bar any day.”

            “That is true,” Kayla said as Nicky’s phone rang. He looked at the screen and answered it as Kayla looked away and finished her ice-cream.

            “Yeah,” he answered and paused as the other person talked on the phone to him, “I’m out with a friend…(pause)…No I don’t think that’s a problem…(pause)…yeah, okay I’m at the City park…(pause)…okay in five minutes, and can I take my friend along?...(pause)…Awesome, see you. Bye.”

            “Do you want to go somewhere?” Nicky asked Kayla as she turned to look at him.

            “What? Where?” she asked him back, rounding her eyes.    

            “We’re going to a party on a cruise ship,” Nicky said, as he pulled Kayla’s hand and stood up.

            “But, I’m not wearing the right outfit for a party!” Kayla protested as Nicky pulled her out to the main gate of the park.

            “We’re going to get dressed first,” Nicky said, “I can’t be going in these clothes too.”

            “How are we going?” Kayla asked as they stood at the entrance of the park.

            “Our ride is here,” Nicky said, pointing ahead. Kayla turned to look at where he pointed and her heart froze to see the familiar white Audi pull up in front of them, as Jesse rolled down the window and glared at her. Nicky pulled her hand towards the car and opened the back seat door as she sat in, moving in a daze, while Jesse glared at her through the rear-view mirror.

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