Chapter 18

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            “Rise and shine sleepy head!” Kayla woke up to the sun shining on her, and she thought she may have imagined hearing Jesse’s voice sound so chirpy in her sleep. She sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes, feeling her body ache in a thousand places.

            “What time is it?” she groaned, “Is it time to go to work already?”

            “My watch is damaged,” she heard Jesse said, as she turned to look at him, smiling and looking at her. She realized she was not at home, but still stranded on an island, “I don’t think you’d be able to go to work from here.”

            Kayla looked at him curiously, why was he in such a good mood? He was roasting something that looked like fish over the fire. She stared at it and back at him, as he smiled at her.

            “I went and caught some fishes for our breakfast and lunch,” Jesse explained, as she narrowed her eyes at him.

            “You went into the jungle?” she asked him.

            “Yes I did,” he said, nodding his head and smiling. She smiled at him proudly as she took the fish that he held out and ate it. If he was going to be nice, then there’s no reason for her to argue with him, she thought. After all she like the nice Jesse better than the broody Jesse.

            After breakfast they walked around the beach, and talked like old friends who had never met for years. Jesse had washed his socks the night before and dried it before giving it to Kayla to wear, so that she could walk comfortably. Kayla was touched by that small gesture he made, although he told her not to make a big deal out of it.

            They played in the sea like young kids again, splashing water at each other and trying to drown each other playfully. Together they tried to build a sand-castle, but it turned out to be like a big mound of sand. Kayla tried to bury him in the sand, but she couldn’t get enough sand to cover his body using her hand, so in the end, he got up the sand and acted like a monster coming after her. She screamed and ran away from him, as he chased her and threw sand at her, resulting in them falling into the water, laughing.

            By evening, they had walked to the other side of the island and back, finding no civilization at all. They had to just wait until someone comes over to this island. For Kayla, she wished she could just spend every day with Jesse here. As night fell, Kayla and Jesse lay on their make-shift bed side-by-side, looking at the stars in the sky.

            “I can’t see this many stars in the city,” he said, mesmerized by the beauty of the night sky – it was a full moon too.

            “I used to see it back home, but since I came to the city, I could barely see a thing,” Kayla said.

            “Why did you come to the city?” he asked, turning to her slightly.

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