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Fen looked up at the man, unsure of what to say.
“Answer me. Do you still find the falcon beautiful?” he said. Fen went to speak but paused. “Speak.”
“Yes, I do.” Fen glanced at the bird that circled above them. “Hayabusa is majestic, more so than any bird I've seen.”

Shan Yu kicked the chest of the dead soldier. He pulled the sword from the scabbard and threw it to Fen’s feet.
“It’s yours. And whatever else you want off him.” Fen took the sword and held it using both hands.

With the sword and scabbard at her hip, boots that were definitely too large on her feet and a bundle of cloth and sewing supplies, Fen turned to Shan Yu.
“I'm done,” she told him.
“We’ll go up to the mountains. Hayabusa will find a cave or something similar for you to stay in while we fight.”
“I could help you,” she protested.
“You are not a soldier.” Fen knew arguing would be pointless so she just followed behind him as they hiked. Shan Yu pulled along his horse until they reached a cave.

“Stay here. Don’t run, I hope you’re wiser than that,” he said.
“Can I make a fire?”
“No,” he said bluntly. “It will give us away.” Fen nodded. She dropped the bundle of fabric onto the hard floor and gulped.
“Thank you,” she said. “For letting me live and thank you for stopping the soldier from killing me.” He looked away and mounted his horse.
“Hayabusa may fly past once or twice.” Fen nodded.

She stood by the cave entrance, watching him ride off and join his men. Sighing, she turned to the bundle of cloth and hoped she could make use of it somehow. She wasn’t sure what was happening but a loud bang disturbed the peace. Then she realised.

The army recruits had arrived.

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