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Fen didn’t know how to reply or if she even should as she feared what the angered man would do. So she decided to follow him in silence, admiring the bird she had grown to find beautiful.

“Say something,” he ordered. Both of them were lying under the shelter of trees as they were ready to fall asleep.
“Huh?” asked Fen, startled at his request (or, more accurately, his demand) in her sleep state.
“I’m used to you speaking to me about stupid and trivial things or about going back to the Imperial City,” he reluctantly admitted. “So say something.”

Fen was quiet as she thought for a moment. She said the only thing that would come to her mind.
“I do find Hayabusa beautiful. At first I didn’t and said it so you were less likely to kill me, not like it would make a difference. If you wanted me dead, you would have killed me already. But now I do find your bird pretty. The falcon’s wings are healing too, Hayabusa’s wings are healing,” she said truthfully.

“Do you think he will be able to fly soon?” asked Shan Yu.
“I believe so, he’s healed spectacularly so far.”
“Good.” Fen yawned as she stared up at the branches of the trees above her. “You should sleep.”
“I will,” she said as she closed her eyes and curled up tighter.

In the morning, Fen was quickly shook to consciousness by Shan Yu. Hayabusa was perched on his shoulder and his sword was in his other hand.
“Are you going to kill me?” she asked, still drowsy.
“No, get up.”

Fen pushed herself up into a sitting position and saw him grab some food he must have collected.
“What’s happening?” He grabbed her wrist and pulled Fen to her feet.

“We have people following us.”

Falcon's WingsWhere stories live. Discover now