Inu x Neko - Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello, this is my first KNB fanfic on Wattpad, and it's about animals! ^^ I'm not every experienced in this factor, so if anyone could advice me, please do so! I'll give you credits c:

“When the cat is away, the mice will play~!”


“Kurokocchi~! I have a surprise for ya~! Guess what is it!!” Kise squealed in excitement, anticipating for Kuroko’s guess. While doing so, Kise stroked a lock of pristine white fur from a Siamese cat in his arms. He was holding his phone on his other hand, talking with Kuroko.

“.... You adopted a new pet cat,” Kuroko replied, hitting the bull’s eye, which almost made Kise choke.

“Wha--?! Kurokocchi, how did you know?!!” Kise’s jaw dropped.

“I stalk you everyday.”


Kuroko sighed in satisfaction, having successfully teased Kise. “Just joking. I didn’t know I’d get it correctly.”

“So mean~!” Kise pouted. “Can we meet up, then? Tomorrow 11 in the morning at the cafe near your house.”

“Yeah,” Kuroko agreed. “I’ll bring Nigou too, I think he’s going to be excited to see a new friend.” Then he averted his eyes to Nigou, who was currently in the midst of happily biting its chewing toy.

The two best friends hung up and continued doing their daily activities, leaving their pets alone.


“Dai-chaan~!! I’ve bought a new cute little pet for you~!!” Momoi “illegally” barged into Aomine’s house, jumping up and down excitedly. In her hands, she was holding a small tank-like box covered with a cloth.

It made Aomine roll his eyes. “Are you trying to fool me because it’s April Fools’ Day today?”

“Kinda,” Momoi giggled gleefully. “Look!” She flipped up the cloth, revealing a small-sized tank with a miniature red-eared terrapin inside it. “I bought this today, isn’t it--”

“DIE, DAMMIT!!” Aomine instantly hurled a book against Momoi’s face, hitting her right on the nose and causing her to lose balance. “WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET ME THIS?!!”

“Sheesh--!!!” Momoi tossed the book elsewhere. “I just thought you’d be lonely without a pet!”

“Well, even if I needed a pet, I don’t need a terrapin! It looks too... Small... For me...!”

“That’s the only thing I could afford!” Momoi protested. “Now that I gave it to you, you have to take care of it~! This is its food,” she pointed to the small cylinder container filled with pellets. ”Gotta go!” She slunk away, shielding herself from Aomine’s outbursts.

“Wait--!!” Aomine called out with his face red with anger. “That damned idiot... What am I going to do now?!” He stared at the terrapin, and it stared back at him. ... I guess I’ll name it first.... Based on my most favourite idol’s name. Hmm, ‘Hori’ sounds good....

Aomine kneeled down near the terrapin and peered through the transparent. He opened the tank’s lid, took out a few pellets and dropped it in. “Hn, so I guess your name’s Hori.” Hori gladly ate the pellets in the water.

A shrill ringtone suddenly interrupted them. It was Aomine’s phone ringing! He swiftly grabbed his phone, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw who was calling him. He tapped the button for answering the call.

“Ah!! Sorry Kise, something cropped up! I’ll be there in 10 minutes!” Aomine hastily answered Kise’s phone call. After hanging up, Aomine hurriedly changed his clothes in his room and set off, leaving Hori alone in the house.

*Hori’s POV*

So... I was just bought into a new owner’s house. And my name’s ‘Hori’, as it seems. Wait.... I see perverted magazines lying around in that corner! Oh wow... My new owner’s perverted. I rolled my eyes.

Five minutes have passed since he was gone. Sigh, I’m bored to tears. Since he’s away, I might as well turn into my human form and wander the streets a little to familiarise myself with them.

(Hori turns into his human form.)

I almost had to break down the door to get out. Luckily, the pink-haired girl, by the name of ‘Momoi’, opened the door to get something she had left in my owner’s house. Luckily, she didn’t notice I wasn’t in my tank. I managed to slip past her(since only some people can see us) and entered the concrete jungle.

In my human form, I wandered the streets, making sure that I knew my way home. Being a terrapin, my speed was lower than average, and I hated it.

Just then, I felt a similar presence -- it was a male dog in human form! I scanned my surroundings. There it is! I can finally make a new friend! He was about 20 centimetres shorter than me. I walked towards him, and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and his light blue eyes immediately met my dark blue ones.

“Yes?” He asked. Then something jolted him. “Hey, I’ve never seen you in this area before.... Maybe you’re new?!” His eyes had a spark of excitement in it and his tail wagged left and right crazily. He leaned against me.

“U-Uh... Yep, I just arrived here today,” I said, then introduced, “My name’s Hori. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too!! My name’s Nigou, and I’m a Siberian husky!” Nigou smiled. He scanned me, then spotted my little tail sticking out. “What are you?”

“A terrapin,” I answered. “My speed isn’t that fast--”

“THAT’S AWESOME!!” Nigou instantly jumped up, interrupting me. I backed away, wondering how he is full of zest.

“IT’S NOT AWESOME!! I’m slow!” I protested, gritting my teeth.

“Aww...” Nigou’s ears drooped down and his tail slowed down. Then, he lifted his legs up and sat on a railing. “Oh yeah, it seems like tomorrow I’m meeting a new friend, which seems to be a cat. Shall we all three be best friends forever?”

I sighed, and my pessimist self took over. “Dude, don’t anyhow use ‘forever’. Those things that are claimed to last forever lasts forever, and those things that are not claimed to last forever lasts forever.”

There was a pregnant pause.

Suddenly, Nigou perked up. “My owner’s coming home soon, gotta go!” He jumped down the railing. “Bye, and see you next time!” Then, his back disappeared further and further into the crowd.

Well, I guess Nigou’s my first friend made today. I went home too, since there were nothing to do outside.

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