Episode One

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He finally did it, after all those years of studying, giving his medial exams and a lot of practise on lifeless mannequin he's become an professional surgeon. He is now known as Dr. Arthit Rojnapat, the youngest intern to join Massachusetts Premiere Hospital treating 673 patients in five months with 1,852 diseases recovered A world class hero standing at his own two feet living the dream he always imagined to have.

Have been mentioned in the list of Top Ten best surgeons the hospital was always jammed packed with patients of serious or minor injures, some even had an go at wooing his heart with their eye s glittering or curling their fingers around his necktie to bring him closer yet the results they expected would turn the other way around when Arthit would brush off their attempts at him and open the door giving the captivating smile and say to please visit again they had to force a smile and leave try to catch him next time.

Yes he knew he was cute, adorable can make anybody melt from his cuteness overload said by his teammates since the First day he started his shift, people couldn't help to coo over his baby cheeks pinching and telling him what an cutie pie he was or running off to tell their friends about the new cute inter who joined their team. He was overwhelmed by their gestures But to go in that department he wasn't quite sure yet. To him it was all about handling his patients with gentleness abs affection a surgeon Should show to fall in love or to call Somebody his one and only...That's one step his heart hasn't reached out yet.

Heavy sign echoed in the room as he sat down on the bench in the locker room, another operation gone well This time it being a little tricky as the bullet bad almost inserted itself in the patient's heart, with pulse dictated on 40% abs major blood loss the chances of saving this patient were low. It Not only pained Arthit that his operation would be a fail But also How would he break the news to this person's family waiting outside...They are relying on him to save their loved one to find out he didn't make it would crush them entirely and he didn't have the heart to see that.

As all hopes were going down when the patient's pulse were decreasing rapidly Some way through the gap he had grabbed a hold of the bullet and pulled it out disposing it in the metal tray, charging up the electronic shock defibrillator First try nothing happened...Second try some response On the Final try turning it up to 50 ward they got the pulses increasing patient's breathing secured and well luckily in time a nurse had found extra blood bag supply from the storage making then blood level raise up too. He was delighted and thanked by the family when they heard the operation went successfully, that's all he wants to see Smiling happy faces and good wishes. The patient was shifted into an private room to be checked on in case any problem happens and within two weeks of recovery he will be sent home.

It was a tough call but with god's help and his teammates they had made it through and he prays to Not face a situation like this again, getting into a more comfortable position with his head back against the bench he shut his eyes for a quick nap as he had only 30 seconds break before he had to check on another patient. Just when he was fully getting his time for a nap, he felt a soft blow on his ear like the wind and started followed by a voice which was very familiar.

" Arthit...wakey wakey, bro time to get up,"

He knows who that loud mouth voice belongs to But his sleep called to him demanded him to recharge fully before woken up for his next task. So with a brush of his hand he dismissed that said person to leave him alone and turned to his left side with his hand tucked behind his head as a pillow rest slumbering back into his own world.

" Won't get up eh?..."

Hearing no more sounds or voices Arthit signs in relief to be left alone that's when he was jolted awake by the sudden Screaming almost damaging his whole ear canal.

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