normal girls v.s. us

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Normal girls want to marry Princes, we want to marry Killers.
Normal girls play Dress up, we Cosplay
Normal girls eat Ice .cream when depressed, we eat Cheesecake.
Normal girls wouldn't ever Go into the woods at night, we go searching for Slender man.
Normal girls freak out over a borken nail, we freak out over a broken knife.
Normal girls wear Bows, we wear Beanies.
Normal girls say weird, we say cool.
Normal girls ask why did you do that?, we say you shouldn't have done that.
Normal girls say go to hell, we say GO.TO.SLEEP.
Normal girls say link, we say BEN Drowned.
Normal girls think Jeff is ugly, we think he is Beautiful.
Normal girls say Cannibal, we say Eyeless Jack.
Normal girls say go die in a hole, we say you've met with terrible fate.
Normal girls fan girl over band boys, we fan girl overPsycho Killers.
Repost if you love Creepypasta, put this on your porfile if you're a true fan girl.

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