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   Felix awoke with a start. His head felt like it was splitting open with every movement he made. His surroundings were dark; well, besides the stream of light filtering in through a small opening in whatever it was he was in. 

   Slowly, his vision cleared up as his eyes adjusted to the lighting. Looking to his right, he saw Chris, crimson liquid staining his face. The closer he looked, the more gory the scene before him seemed. Chris's face was not only stained with dry blood, but had a deathly white color. Lower, Felix noticed large, rusty fragments of metal impaling Chris's stomach and seat.

   Everything hit Felix like a bus. Their plane, which he was still in, had crashed, and next to him lay Chris's dead body, rigid chunks of flesh surrounding the bloody metal.

   The pain shooting through Felix's body did nothing to stop him. He shrilly screamed and scrambled to get his seat belt off, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. Sobs wracked his body as he attempted to crawl toward the opening by the plane's wing.

   Once he had successfully gotten to the opening, he haphazardly pulled himself through. This resulted in Felix cutting up part of his ankle, as well as tumbling off the wing and to the ground. He landed directly on his back, knocking the wind out of him. Time ticked by as he lay there, eyes squeezed shut in hopes of forgetting everything he just saw.

   His best friend wasn't dead, they didn't crash, he wasn't stuck alone at who knows where. He could almost hear the ticks of a clock in his head, teasing Felix's sanity.

   Tick.... Tick... Tick... More time passed by before he couldn't take it anymore, opening his eyes only to be forced to shut them right away by the blinding sun. A splitting pain resonated throughout his body again, jerking him upright. 

   Raising his hand to hold his head he thought, It feels like I just got stabbed in the head... Actually, it feels like I just got stabbed everywhere! 

   His hand stung, compelling him to pull away from his head. On his hand was sand stuck to blood, dry and fresh. Although it caused him pain, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He lifted his hand to his forehead again, pulling back to fresh droplets of blood on his fingertips. 

   He wanted to throw up. 

   Instead, he forced himself to his feet. Holding onto the side of the wrecked plane to steady himself, he waddled closer to the sea. As soon as Felix got close enough to the water, he dunked his hands and attempted to rinse them clear of blood.

   Immediately, he recoiled with a hiss of pain, hands stinging. The water had washed his hands enough to have the deep cuts on his palms visible. That explains the pain, he thought. And the dried blood... 

   Despite the burning, Felix still continued to wash his hands. His hair and clothes were probably a wreck by now. He shook his head and mentally yelled at himself to rethink his priorities. Wiping his hands on his dirty jeans, he wobbled up and looked into the sky.

   It was earlier than when they had started crashing. How long was he out? He looked back at the broken rubble of the plane and decided, Maybe a day.

   Felix drew in another breath. He should probably look for other survivors. Or maybe food and fresh water. Or shelter. Or is the land inhabited? He hums, dried up throat rattling painfully. 

   He rubs his throat in an attempt to ease the pain as his stomach growls. Definitely find food and water first.

   He was terrified, yes, but the closest source of food or water was probably in the plane. The plane full of dead bodies and darkness... A shiver ran down his spine. No, he would just find fresh food and water. This is an island, there had to be food and water somewhere.

   He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Deep breath in, deep breath out. You can do it.

  Felix turned around and started stumbling across the sand, slowly edging inland. He side glanced at the wreckage. A small fire gently licked at the wing, almost extinguished. So much for seeing your mates back home, he thought. 

   After a grueling few minutes of walking inland, he leaned against a tree for support. The forest had to have some type of food or water. If not, how did any of it survive? Felix grumbled in pain, pushing himself off the tree and into the forest.  

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