The Hunt

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So, hey guys, I'm writing this story for my little sister. Who 'really' owns this account but is too lazy to make stories. And I'M too lazy to make my own account, so yeah. Hehe

This is my 2nd story here, so don't hate on me. *smiles nervously*

<> is an author's note

Now, on with the story, my little folgens!!!!!!!! (Bet yah don't know what that means.) :)


{Jeff's POV}

I could see light from an abandoned warehouse. I walked quietly and looked in from one of the broken windows. I could see someone crouched by the fire there. Rocking back and forth in her heels.

Yes, it was a woman. I smiled, I haven't had a victim in a while. My target family went to some relative's 'accidental' death today. I climbed the window quietly and hid behind some pallets. Looking through the slats.

She was staring intently at the fire. Half of her face was in shadow. Then she sang,

"Don't cry to me

If you want me

You would be here with me

If you want me

Come find me

Make up your mind

Should I let you fall?

Lose it all

So maybe you can remember yourself

Can't keep believing

We're only deceiving ourselves

And I'm sick of the lie

And you're too late

Don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with me

You want me

Come find me

Make up your mind

Couldn't take the blame

Sick with shame

Must be exhausting to lose your own game.

Selfishly hated

No wonder you're jaded

You can't play the victim this time

And you're too late.

Don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with me

You want me

Come find me

Make up your mind

You never call me when you're sober

You only want it cause it's over

It's over.

How could I have burned paradise?

How could I -

you were never mine

So don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with me

Don't lie to me

Just get your things

I've made up your mind"

She stopped and sighed. No, I didn't want it like this. Her singing increased the dark feelings of my insanity. It wasn't because her voice was ugly. It was, I don't know. I think it was because her voice had a deep dark aura in it. I can't explain clearly. Just that mostly, my chest felt heavy and my palms got itchy and sweaty to stab something. Not slice. Not slide across the skin and flesh. Stab. Deep. Again and again. But, really, I didn't want this. I want to be the one who calls out my insanity. Not just some bimbo's voice.

I walked behind her and raised her chin to slice her neck. "Go. To. Sle-" I stopped when I saw she was smiling.




That manic smile just like mine. Although she haven't sliced her cheeks. She's achieved a smile only perfected by insanity. Her eyes glowed, sparked with psychosis. My heart thumped. In excitement? In anticipation? In lov- no. Excited, yes I was. I wanted to see how this played out.

Something else caught my attention. She was wearing a mask. Kind of like the ones in Phantom of the Opera? I don't know what his problem was but his burnt face looked fine to me. Although he wasn't as BEAUTIFUL as me. Anyways, the mask had been outlined in poisonous looking green. And surrounding the hole of her right eye was a bleeding red rose in full bloom. The blood drips forming a black widow at the bottom of the mask. One of the spider's leg was sticking out into her cheek.

She also stared at me. I didn't notice her left hand grabbed a dagger from under her long slit-skirt. She grabbed my hand and twisted it so I almost let go. She was strong for a female. I could feel my bloodlust rising. I do love a challenge.

She laughed quietly but quickly escalated to a cackle, "Take me to the dance. And we'll dance 'til we. Drop!" She lunged and ripped out a part of my sleeve. "Let me hear your heartbeat. Let me see it. Beat!" She was fast but I was more experienced. Probably. I grabbed her right hand and pulled it down over my shoulder. "Oomf!!!" As she was slammed to the ground, I could hear her bones crack. Unfortunately, she sliced me on the chest as she fell over. It was also quite deep. The blood was gushing out.

Bad luck for her, Slenderman turned me immortal a few years ago. I look 18. I'm actually older. 20 something, I stopped counting my birthdays a few years after I left home. My real home.

"Too bad you were almost as good as me. ALMOST." I sat beside her as she was already dizzy, "now, as I was saying. Go to sleep. Shiiit!!!" Hell! She was pretending to be dizzy. She sliced my shoulder now and I jumped back as she stood up.

She said, "This dance is taking too long." She unconsciously held the lower left side of her chest. I must've broken a few ribs. Then she added, "I like it."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "What's with you and dancing?"

"What's with you and sleeping?"

"Touche." I attacked her and she tried to dodge but I caught the side of her leg.

She was panting and looked seriously weak. She was kneeling now but was still smiling. I hunkered down in front of her using my right hand as support. I pulled her vermilion hair to make her look at me. Blood slid from her scarlet-colored bottom lip then she licked it up. "I do love this last dance." She said.

"Your last dance." I corrected her. "Now let's see what's under that pretty mask of yours." Her black-colored eyes sparked again as if there was a star exploding somewhere deep inside.

"No f*cking shit, asshole." She snarled. Then stabbed my right hand with a smaller dagger hidden in her left boot. She stood up and kneed my face. Grabbed her fallen dagger and stabbed me straight in the heart, "You've been a great dance partner but you've overstayed your welcome."

Song of the Black Widow: a BenDrowned/OC and JefftheKiller/OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now