Interdimensional Cosmology

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Interdimensional Cosmology

Time and Space: two insuperable limitations or new perspectives for the technocratic societies?

Andrew Hennessey

Although time and matter's gravity in my opinion are one and the same thing - the possibility of timelessness in human society and timeless travel could open the door on a new era of social interaction and social meaning.

There are precedents in the ancient records for such an evolved society and cosmology.

My own interest in time travel led me to understand what the ancients already seemed to know.

I had been researching issues of time travel cosmology for a few years and had noted that backwards time travel might be far easier than forwards time travel - for reasons, which I explain below in my cruise liner analogy.

I had been looking into some of the mechanics necessary for teleportation and forward time travel and had developed a general systems theory which could have been used as a framework for such forward transmissions.

At its heart it is based upon the idea that although there is an infinity of objects and events in the universe - an infinity of combinations that are too great for any computation we know - there is actually a limited and fixed number of the kind of events that can take place in the cosmos.

There is a limited and closed number of processes/transactions that can happen during every event in the Universe.

Using a Boolean analogy - I modelled a short series of universal and law-like events in a unique arithmetic that had a fixed and finite number for zero and infinity.

I reasoned for the purposes of time/space travel that given any known future energy landscape or distant context as a frame of reference - such time-space transmissions encoded using this new language and sent from our own time space could be recalibrated according to their new target context without distortions produced by unknown zeros and equations and distortions relating to infinity.

These are major steps away from Goedel's Logical numbering paradox and the infinite recursion and paradox of computation noted by Turing.

I then developed a time space cosmology that seemed to have parallels with the ancient record although I arrived at those anciently described ideas by my own contemporary route.

Our accepted understanding of time and the cosmos is probably false. An understanding of the time, matter and gravity concepts (on the lips of abductees and 'Black Ops' scientists like Dr. Michael Wolf and the basics of the Secret Science) agrees with my own paradigm and show us the possibility that gravity, time and mass are all one and the same. In all likelihood, it is easier to travel through time and dimensions by spinning a magnetic disk, than it is to travel between distant galaxies with never to be found 'dilithium crystals' of Star Trek.

This one issue, if true would predict that interstellar time space and intergalactic time space were not operating the same kind of time or matter as our solar system. Indeed partially materialised dark matter galaxies have been recorded. e.g. The unusual galaxy, called NGC 4625, proves the theory of constant birth and death of stars and planets and it is relatively nearby. Dr. Armando Gil de Paz of the Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, Calif, in July issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters. "We are practically up-close and personal with a galaxy undergoing an evolutionary stage that was thought to occur only at the dawn of the universe ..,"

Travelling through mountain ranges and chasms of aether and newly emerging dark matter and cosmic schisms and structural inconsistencies in the fabric of time space the ET traveller would need to effectively get above this geography to make traversing it easier.

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