It's only the beginning - A new life

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Chapter 2

"Who are you?" I asked the woman standing in front of me.

"I'm your mother Anastasia, your real mother." she replied. No, no way she's not my mother.

"What do you mean you'r my mother I already have one what are you on about?" I asked confused.

"We gave you up for adoption so you would be safe from our world and now you're at the age I want to be your mother help you with your abilities. Please forgive me I should of said something sooner I'm sorry." My 'mother' said.

"It's ok I always knew I was different but what am I?" I asked worried at what the answer might be.

"You are a very rare supernatural, you are a mix of everything especially vampire, were-wolf, fairy, witch, mermaid and siren. You are also part goddess. You have any and all powers, you are the most powerful supernatural to walk the earth. Please stay and I will train you and I already know you are a elemental, that means you control all the elements water, wind, earth and fire." She said.

"Ok, I will stay but at least tell me your name." I asked glad to know more about me.

"My name is Patricia. And before you ask no I'm not like you I'm pure vampire and I have the power over fire. Your father, Edward, is a were-wolf and is a Alpha that's why you are so strong in your wolf form. Now let's see what you can do." Patricia said and ran at me.

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