Chapter 24

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  Dr. Heights rushed to the injured boy. He gasped and stared, horror showing on his face while looking at the wounds.

"Gloria, can you call Francis, Diana, Tania, and Dylan? They need to come here immediately. Many are injured from the explosion."

He said putting machines into Louis. Michael looked at the doctor and immediately asked questions.

"What exactly happened? How did a bomb get here!"

He asked looking tired and stressed.

"I don't know all the details, but it was filled with nails, and something else we cannot identify. When it exploded many shot out everywhere! Many were injured. Those close enough where burned, possibly to the point of no saving."

He said sighing sadly. I felt horrible knowing the people I were supposed to protect where hurt. This should have never happened.

"Will he be okay...?"

Asked Michael quietly, I have never seen someone look so broken. I am not a parent, so I have no idea what he is going through.

"I don't know. He has head trauma, I would say about burns on 15% of his body, and I don't know if any organs were pierced."

He said, making Michael look down and sigh. Ben was sitting in a chair crying heavily. I looked at him and my senses rocketed. I could see the small glow of light in his stomach and gasped. I walked over and decided to help him out, so he did not harm the baby.

I made him looked up and frowned at his red face and runny nose.

"Everything will be fine."

It is said making him cry.

"My-M-My b-b-baby is HURT BADLY.... I-I- should h-ha-ve been there!"

He said sobbing. I was about to help when a small voice interrupted.

"Mommy... I-"

Hey Ben looked up and gave him and a desperate look.

"Luca, I'm sorry, but mommy is hurting and just needs a second to calm down. I'm hurting to... t- this is just a lot to take in right now..."

He said before crying again. Lucas wobbled back onto the bed and leaned back on it, closing his eyes. I just sighed and put my hand on Ben's heart and let my magic calm him down. I was giving him the feeling of confidence and hope, hoping it would make him stronger for his son's fight now.

After a minuet he sighed and stood up.

"You're right, he is going to be fine. I just need to be there and support him, not cry like a 5-year-old."

I chuckled and smiled patting him on the back.

"I'm proud of you."

He just smiled in return then walked to Louis's bed. I walked over to Lucas and smiled.

"Hey are you okay?"

I asked noticing how pale and weak he was getting. His lips were grey, and his hand were trembling like a drug addict recovering.

"I- I- don't know..."

He said looking hazy. I was debating on calling Michael or Ben over but then realized they do not need two children to fear about. I nodded and rubbed Lucas's head.

He was burning up.

"All finished!"

Suddenly yelled the doctor, who looked incredibly happy.

"Done with what?"

I asked him.

"Just stitched up all the deep wounds and our anti-septic on the cuts."

He said taking off his gloves.

"The doctors and surgeons will be here soon. It's just the nails we have to worry about now."

He said looking sympathetic. Michael nodded and sighed, holding his sons' hand.

Lucas sat up from leaning on the bed and walked over to Ben who was on the other side of Louis.


He said again. Ben just ignored his son and kept his eyes on Louis. I sighed and called to Lucas, hoping he would get the hint.

"Lucas come here, you want some ice cream?"

He looked at me and started to walk over but stopped halfway. He started to cough violently and hunch over. Suddenly, he threw up deep red blood and fell to floor with violent tremors taking over his body.

Ben screamed and rushed over to his other son while Michael called to the doctor.

Dr. Heights rushes over to the boy with some nurses and put him on a bed. He was still seizing, and they quickly injected him with something to make it stop.

They then stripped his body and gasped when they saw the sharp object in his lower back. It was like a hollow needle and made the skin around red and created blisters.

"What is that?"

I asked in shock.

The doctor sighed and pulled the thing out.


Ben cried and Michael shushed him and told him everything would be okay, but even I could see he did not believe that.

"Start him on a detox and antibiotics."

Said the doctor to one of the nurses. He then walked over to Louis and asked the nurse to help
move him to the operating room.

I sighed and sat down. Were this what people had come too? Hurting innocent children...?

My mate then busted into the room panting and turned to his father.

"34 are injured, 12 of them being children. Hunters are said to have done the damage."

He said making Michael frown. He nodded his head and sighed, looking old and tired from these events.

"How are they...?"

Quietly asked Vincent. I got up and gave him a hug.

"Not looking too good. Louis just went into surgery and Lucas needs a wolfsbane detox."

Answered Ben making him frown. He nodded his head and looked at his little brother.

"Everything will be fine. We just need to have hope guys. This is exactly what these hunters want, for us to be scared and loose hope. We need to show them we are better than that."

I said making them all look up at me. Slowly Ben nodded and seemed a bit more confident.

"You're right, I need to show my pack that I'm better than this. My children will be fine."

He said, looking at Lucas on that last part. I smiled and nodded.

Together we will be strong.

EDITED 11/12/20

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