Chapter 33

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I screamed as I threw another bottle across the room, watching it smash on the wall

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I screamed as I threw another bottle across the room, watching it smash on the wall.

The pack had celebrated our victory but was mourning the loss of their Luna. As a reward for being the only pack to take down the hunting group that had been terrorizing the werewolf and witch community in the country the 18 packs that were still standing sent us members from their packs. In total we had gotten new 850 members. It brought in a lot of money and warriors. Our land was expanded as we bought more from the human government who knew of werewolves. It was all decided it was best to keep it from the general population.

Our pack was now the largest in the country holding 2,789 members.

I cried into a pillow and slide down the wall that had many holes in it. My room was a wreck. I had destroyed everything in my fits of rage and blank moments when my wolf would take over.

I held a picture of Aquarius to my chest and sobbed prayed after prayer to the moon goddess, wishing he would return him to my arms.

What if he was pregnant? What if he was hurt by that... by that thing! What if that thing took him as a mate?!

At that last thought I felt the rage return and I quickly finished another beer before throwing it at the wall, feeling no relief when it smashed.

Someone knocked at the door and I released a loud growl.

"Go away!"

I said. The doorknob twisted anyway and in walked my pregnant mother. He was two months pregnant, and a small baby bump had formed, barely noticeable.

"That's no way to talk to your mother!"

He said sternly with his hands on his hips. I sighed and mumbled an apology not in the mood to argue that how was I supposed to know he was at the door.

"You know you're not going to fix anything just sitting there."

Said my mama, coming to sit next to me. I kicked the beer bottle in front of me angrily.

"What am I supposed to do?! It is not like I can go in the ocean and swim around until I find him! And there's no way to contact any mermaid tribes!"

I said feeling tears come to my eyes. At the sound of my small sobs my mama pulled me into his arms and let me cry it out. I felt a little better with him here and cling onto that small feeling desperately as I pulled him closer breathing in his now sweet smell.

"I'm telling you; he'll be back. Just give it some time- being old helps you become wiser. You should listen to your elders."

He said rocking us. I sniffled and started to cry again, hating this empty feeling in my chest. I just clung onto the hope that I knew he was not dead. He was alive and there was a chance he would come back.

"H-how's Liam and Kyle?"

I asked making him chuckle.

"Still the same. Liam goes from sleeping in his parents' house to sleeping in Kyle's and his room. They're very dysfunctional."

Said my mama making me chuckle a bit. Since Morrisey disappeared Liam and Kyle have been a wreck.

When Kyle came back and broke the bad news, Liam had gone from crying, to angry and throwing things and hitting Kyle, to being sad again, and then numb. He was a rollercoaster of emotions and being pregnant was not helping. He was a month and a half along and refused to do anything. He did not want to visit any doctors without Morrisey, and Kyle had to constantly make sure he was eating.

He went from being attached to Kyle once second, to the next feeling guilty and angry at himself. 

Kyle on the other hand was in a depressed and self-loathing mood constantly and blamed himself for Morrisey's disappearance. He said he had nightmare of Morrisey calling for help and him not making it in time only to find him dead.

Kyle had fits of rage as well and had not left his room since that day. Our parents were basically the only things keeping us alive.

"Well patience is key here for both of you. I cannot say I know how it feels to lose your mate like that, but I do know how it feels to be separated and baby- you must try. You have to keep getting up for them, keep yourself together for them, and most importantly keep living for yourself."

I looked at my mama curiously.

"You and dad were separated?"

I asked not ever knowing that. He chuckled and brushed my oily hair away.

"Many years ago. When your father and I found out we were mates I had come from a poor omega family and could barely afford food, yet alone a house over my head. I had 2 brothers and sisters and my dad had just passed away leaving my mom alone to raise us and keep the roof over our heads. I went to work at the pack house when I met your father. He was a handsome man and an amazing future alpha. We immediately fell in love and secretly saw each other all the time. Eventually his father found out and banned him from seeing me, saying the family name deserves better than some weak omega blood tainting it. I could not see your father for over two months before he challenged his father to the position. His father lost and ended up killing himself, and that is how our story ended. Not the happiest but your father worked and trained for me and our love. He won this pack over for us and I could not be happier. Your dad said his father had been like that since his mother passed and that he had to put an end to it. I just hope he's resting with his mate in a better place."

Finished my mama. I smiled and hugged him, happy for his comfort. He was right I had to keep on living for myself and my mate. I could not shut down and stop caring about being alive or my needs. I will do this for us and my pack.

EDITED 11/12/20

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