Working in more Reqruits

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That night everyone decided to leave the prison, even though it wasn't bad and there was a pool that they meet up on the daily. This pool wasn't private and anyone could come and listen in on their plans. So there is a hotel a little bit far away where they can stay out in, a nice one at that. So Carmella gets them in the bus, her next drug shipment for the prison will be coming soon so that's why tonight makes it so easy for them to do a prison break. They finally get out of the prison and into their prison clothes and into normal clothing. However the bellas struggle to get Aj's on as she was still out cold from that punch, she will be out for a while given that she was hit hard. They have been relieved of their handcuffs and such, they leave them in a closet in the prison. They head out and start for the hotel where Trish called for many rooms, she gets her own room like always, Kaitlyn and Dana have a room together, the bellas get a room together, AJ and Emma get a room together, Natalya and Lana get one, Summer and Alexia get one together and finally Sasha and Maryse share a room together. Of course to keep Sasha and the Bella twins from getting into when noone is looking Trish took precautions to make sure that their rooms were as far as possible. That night Trish gets to work on mapping out her plan so when they meet later that night everyone knows their post. They meet up an hour later while Carmella is out doing her solo round she was first to know of the plan and since Trish is her boss she can't argue with her. The ladies meet up at the the pool when everyone is gone for the night ready for bed. That is after Emma get's AJ to calm down and explain what is going on.

"Alright here is the plan to take over the prison. Carmella is a lone guard like she's always been, Maryse your my second in command, I want you by my side at all times. I need someone who will step in when things get too crazy. I am still in charge however, I will also need you to monitor the security system to make sure things go okay. Those times are every 3 hours, you can go back and look at footage two hours prior so at three am, your ass better be seated in security. Lana you are my third in command I want you to map out my ideas but unlike Maryse you get no say in what's to crazy and what isn't. What I say you write down, no back talk no say. Natalya you are my crime organizer, I hope I don't have to explain what that means. Emma I want you here most of the time watching for maids and guards, making sure by all means not to blow our cover. Sasha I want you and the bella twins to work together but I also want you separate at all times. I don't need suspicions, I don't give a damn if you two *pointing at the twins* have to fake a fight or whatever, just make sure you two are never in the same room at the same time especially with Sasha. Everyone knows you three don't get together and it would draw more suspension if you're seen getting along. You three are in charge of the drugs and the amount of drugs, make sure we get the better end of the deal. Summer you're in charge of the prison aspect but you aren't a guard. Alexia, however, you are a guard, I want you as 4th shift, watch your cellmate Charlotte, Paige and Becky, your fourth shift. Aj you are going to be my second shift guard, while Mandy and Eva you are my first shift guard. Dana and Kaitlyn, I want you two to be enforcers." says Trish

Everyone listened and agreed to the whole plan, looking at the map and such, they felt that this would work out well. Maryse, Brie, Nikki, Sasha, Carmilla, Summer, Mandy and Eva, head back to the prison. Maryse would be back soon whereas the other girls had to stay there until their shifts were over. Carmilla explains where the drugs are and where the shift post are also how to read the post as they had a complicated system compared to other boss would be out for a while so this worked out perfectly for them. When she got back it would be too late to even try to do anything for them. What they didn't expect was that one of the newbie guards worked at a prison and was undercover to help the boss out while she was on vacation. Maryse saw it was two fifty so ran quickly to her post just barely making it there in time. Sasha and the bella's went in the back getting the amounts prepped making sure the ones in their group got more than everyone else. They were getting along so far so they were going to have to mix it up so they wouldn't screw this up for everyone else.

"What's the plan about you too?" asks Sasha

"We'll fake a fight, a common fight as well. We are going to bring up a past fight and just duke it out. See how that gets us, I mean we haven't fought in years."says Brie

"Alright" says Sasha

They finish up and get to bed at separate times over one at a time. The next morning the fighting for the twins began early that morning, which worked given that everyone as at the same place at the same time. A common sister over a boy, but the ones who heard more that this was over the business and who was better at the job.

"Oh please this is just like in seventh grade when you decided to fight me over your boyfriend who chose me the prettier sister." says Nikki

"Oh please, I am over him and he chose you because your a cock sucker. Willingly at that." says Brie

"You bitch! You did not just call her sister a slut!" says Nikki

She pushes her hard at that one trying not to hurt her sister just make it as real as possible.

"How else did you easily get the male clients by being a slut and bending over." says Brie

That sends things flying and the girls get into a heated fist fight, this time actually hitting each other. Everyone thought that the girls were going to fight eventually, no sister gets along that watch the fight as anyone who tried to separate them got into the mix as well and had to be pulled out by someone else. The girls fight all the way back to solitude calling each other names. So the rumors spread fast about what happened and weren't surprised when three days later the girls didn't want to be near each other. Sasha handled the drugs while they were in solitude so the schedule wouldn't get corrupted by prison rules.

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