Chapter one

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3 rd POV
Bakugou went to the coffee shop one day after his patrol since he needed some caffeine. He put his order in for a salted carmel mocha and a pink cake pop.He sat at a table while he waited for his drink.Then ate his cake pop while he listened to the soft music in the background. He started to look around the cafe and then he heard his name was called. He went to the counter,grabbed his drink and nodded. He turned around to go sit down til he saw a familiar face."U-Uraraka?" he said "Eep!!!" She hid behind her book she was reading.Bakugou let out a laugh with a tiny smirk while he went into a deep thought. He use to have a crush on Uraraka but never confessed because she liked Izuku..Uraraka softly spoke and snapped Bakugou out of his thoughts. "H-Hi Bakugou aren't you suppose to be on patrol?" "I'm on a tiny lunch break" Bakugou replied back Uraraka smiled,sipped her tea and bit into her cookie. "Hey Bakugou, do you sit with me?" Uraraka was nervous to ask him but she worked at the same agency with Bakugou but never got a chance to see him. One thing she could tell is  his explosive personality calm down a bit. "Sure" he responded while sitting down across from her. He sipped some of his mocha before he spoke "So how have you been?" Uraraka and Izuku dated the 4th year of being at UA but it didn't work out. They lasted for 3 months but Deku's heart was for Todoroki and Todoroki only. Uraraka was hurt for awhile then she realized Deku did everything with Todoroki. They fought at the Sports Festival,fought the Hero Killer,and saved Bakugou from the villains back then. Realizing Uraraka also zoned out she responded to the blonde's question."I've been good just hero work is tiringgggg" she said with a tiny pout. "How have you been Bakugou?" she lightly smiled "I've been good,just been patrolling not a lot of action" he rolled his eyes and took the last bite of his cake pop. Uraraka giggled "Is that a pink cake pop?" she teased "Oh shut up it's my favorite flavor..." he sighed and sipped his mocha. Then Bakugou's work phone rung saying his break was over. "Guess that's my cue to go back to was nice to see you again" he waved goodbye as he turned around to put his hands in his pockets. Uraraka waved goodbye to as she continued to read her book. While she was reading she started to think about Bakugou and her cheeks started to heat up "What is this feeling?" She thought as she shook her head. "No no.... not again right....right!!!" Uraraka finished the rest of her tea and looked at mocha Bakugou had "Didn't even finish it" she shook her head and grabbed his drink to throw them away. She went back to grab her book,threw her coat on and headed home. She walked through the door and shivered a little "Soooo cold" she softly spoke. She looked over at the time and it read 6:00pm. She closed the door behind her and put her coat on the coat stand as she walked into the kitchen. "What to cook...What to cook." She thought as she opened the fridge and scanned everything in it. "Ughhhhh i'll just have noddles" she said in frustration as she dramatically turned and walked to the pantry door. She opened the pantry door and grabbed some ramen noddles. She looked at the package and slightly drooled "This is gonna be delicious!" she smiled and giggled. She turned around and cut the stove on and grabbed a pan to put water in it. She then dropped the noddles in the pan and walked to the living room and threw herself on the couch and cut the TV on. She grabbed her phone and scrolled through Herogram until she heard the TV. "The upcoming number 3 hero known as Lord Explosion is in a intense battle with a few Nomus! They've been at it for at least two hours and they have both taken a good beaten!" The news lady announced. Uraraka sat up from the couch and her eyes locked onto the TV. "Come on Bakugou!" She thought as she closely watched the TV til..."Just in Lord Explosion has just finished his battle with the Nomus! Let's get a shot of the hero zoom in!" As the Cameraman zoomed in where Bakugou was he gave a light smirk before he fell to his knees. "Bakugou!" Uraraka shouted and then News Flash cut off. She sighed and then she remembered her noddles. She ran into the kitchen and took them off the stovetop and poured it into a bowl. She grabbed some juice and headed to the dining table and ate her noddles. She couldn't get Bakugou off her mind "He's ok right...of course he's Bakugou!"She shook her head and finished her noddles and put the bowel in the sink. She then headed to the shower to freshen up for bed and the next day ahead.She slipped on her pajamas and flopped herself onto her bed. She quietly laid there listening to some soft music as she slowly drifted into a deep sleep.
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