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Song: why by zach Herron

Mahoganies POV:


Aww there dating now how cute

Then I see Brandon taking the microphone

What is he doing now?

And then I heard him call me up on stage

Brandon POV:

Mahoganie you are beautiful goofy funny person and I would like to have u by my side so Mahoganie-Jaide Marshree Kuwonu Compton would u like to be my girlfriend?

I'm scared what if she say no

M: ..... Yes💖

Mahoganie POV:

B: Mahoganie-Jaide Marshree Kuwonu Compton would you want to go out with me?


Did Brandon Arreaga just ask me out?
How does he know my full name?
Know one ever say my other last name.

I am talking to long to answer

M: yes💖

I looked at everyone and I see Zach

He looks mad.


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