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Song: M.I.A by why don't we

Kiya POV:


Kaeyln POV:


Marie POV:


Krystal POV:


Mahoganie POV:


I'm not pregnant

I really want a family though

Kiya: are you OK?

Mahoganie: yh I just really want a son or daughter

Marie: ik you did but you can always  still try again

Mahoganie: ik but how am I going to tell Brandon?

Kaeyln: I really don't know but he should understand right?

Mahoganie: he should

Krystal: all you got to do is talk to him

Mahoganie: OK I'll do that

Mahoganie: Brandon can I talk to you about something?

Brandon: yh what is it

Mahoganie: well you know how we want a family👪 well I took a pregnancy test and when the results came in they said that I was not pregnant

Brandon: oh Mahoganie ik how much u wanted to start a family

Mahoganie: it's OK we can always try again but not right now

Brandon: OK well I hope that you fell better BC you know a fact that you are sick

Mahoganie: yh well you can go back to what ever you was doing BC that's pretty much all I was going to say  ( I said pretty much woohoo😂)

Brandon: OK but if you need to talk I'm always here

Mahoganie: thx B I love u

Brandon: I love you 2

       *the next day *

I'm still feeling sick and stuff but I'm eating a lot of food lately but I do that
Sometimes when I'm stress

The house feels so empty sometimes

Like today I woke up and I don't here a thing not even the kids

I looked around and know one was here

So I got bored and went on my phone

I had 4 texts

1 text was from Brandon

               ~ text ~

Brandon: hey moe💖 good morning I know nobody's home well that's because we are out to run some errands then after that us boys as a interview to go to then we wold come back but stay safe I love you I'll see u later love u 💖

           ~ end of text ~

The second one is from Zion

               ~ text ~

Hey sis ik you don't feel good so we didn't want to wake you up. But yh Brandon must of told you the plan for today but we would back soon I love you stay safe

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