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Requested imagine for @jaylynea

Hope you like it Jaylyne

Jaylyne's POV


my phone rung loudly in my ear making me jump. It was 1 in the morning this better be important. It was only a weekend but i needed to catch up on sleep but i was seriously failing considering i spend atleast 2 hours getting abit carried away on my phone. I groaned as i reached over from my bed to the side table next to my bed. I squinted as i read the contacts name. It was Taylor. I answered it.

"Hello" I groaned having a slight voice crack after being woken up.

"Uh, oh hey, sorry did i wake you?" Taylor asked sounding serious for once.

"Yeah, this better be important" I joked. Me and Taylor have been really close friends for about a year now. We got along really well.

"It is actually" he said. He sounded so serious it was worrying me.

"Taylor are you alright?" I asked feeling generally worried.

"Yeah yeah I'm alright Jaylyne" He reassured me. I breathed a sigh of relief but he still didn't sound himself.

"So why did you call, what's up?" I questioned feeling impatient cos i wanted to go to sleep.

"Err, can we meet up?" He asked me.

"What tomorrow? yeah sure i think I'm free" I replied

"Nooooo" He said extending to 'o' sound " Meet up now" He said

"Are you being sarcastic, i cant tell over the phone" I laughed.

"Im not being sarcastic, please can we meet up now this cant wait"

"Seriously Taylor" I groaned

"please" he pleaded.

"I wanna sleep cant this wait till tomorrow?"

"No" He said quickly.

"Why not?" i said seriously. I had no makeup on i seriously didn't want to have to get ready right now.

"Cos im already outside your house"

"WTF TAYLOR!" i squealed down the phone. I jumped off my bed and ran to my bedroom window. I pulled the curtain slightly an peered outside.

I looked around and my eyes landed on someone sitting under the tree in my front garden. I sighed.

"Okay I'm coming" I said into the phone.

I ran outside, not having to explain what I was doing to my parents because they were asleep. I ran up to Taylor, hair falling down my back in its natural curls and wearing an oversized t-shirt i got from primark.

i looked up at me and smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" I questioned feeling self conscious with no makeup on.

"You" he replied. I turned my head slightly to the side and raised one eyebrow confused.

"How beautiful you are, just being you"

I blinked a few times, did Taylor seriously compliment me. Usually we joke and tell each over that we look ugly and to be honest i always thought when Taylor told me that I look ugly, i actually do.

I smiled and sat down opposite him on the dry grass in my front garden. Our knees touching as we sat crossed legs.

"Jaylyne?" He looked up at me, into my eyes. I nodded for him to go on in the darkness.

"I've been meaning to say this for a while, i mean ask you, but I didn't know what you think or feel and i felt nervous and stuff but i just need to get this off my chest, in the air and tell you how I feel." He finished his speech. Me heart was beating so hard in my chest it was unreal. I stared at him wide eyes as he looked back at me.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, Jaylyne, will you be my girlfriend?"

"So are you doing something you've always wanted to do?" I asked looking at him.


"In that case..." I leaned towards him on the grass face to face with him now. I looked into his eyes before closing mine and kissed him on his lips. At first he didn't respond, probably cos it was abit of a surprise. But soon we were both kissing, mouths open. It was amazing. Tingles shooting through me like fireworks, making me want to explode. I pulled away from the kiss smiling. I was sitting on his lap now still on the grass.

"Soooo, is that a yes then?" Taylor smiled. i hit him on the arm playfully.

"What do you think!"

He stood up an held his hands out pulling me up too.

"Goodnight my beautiful girlfriend" He said as he kissed me on the cheek. I walked towards my front door. I was about to open the door to go inside when two arms held me by the waist pulling me backwards. I swung around and kissed Taylor again. Him still holding my waist. My hands in his hair. We kissed for at least 3 minutes.

I pulled away from him.

"Goodnight my gorgeous boyfriend Taylor" I said before going back inside with a huge grin on my face. I jumped back into bed still smiling. My phone pinged.


Goodnight my beautiful girlfriend Jaylyne, sleep well gorgeous.





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