Alarming Memories

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Over the passing of weeks, the snow had started to melt away in the northern regions along with the ice, allowing the spring air to breathe new life into the trees. The sun's rays were slowly warming up the earth once more.

Regina enjoyed the warmer weather, charging through the forest on Onyx. The woman laughed as she sat up straight, her arms spread wide as she enjoyed the sun.  Her long hair was whipped around by the wind as she charged forward. She opened her eyes as she heard voices and made the horse stop, looking around cautiously. When she found the source of the voices she relaxed again as it was the traders who were coming back to the northern lands to sell their goods. She rode over to the travellers and smiled.

"Good day." She greeted them with a smile and moved the horse to walk next to them.
"Hello madam!" A man greeted her and smiled. "Beautiful weather,  isn't it!"
"Yes, perfect for a ride." Regina smiled and looked at the caravan of travellers. "The town has missed you all." she said and the man laughed heartily.
"I'm sure you have! It isn't easy to live in the north. The cold is fierce and makes it hard for us to reach the town during the winter." The man said and then looked a little worried. "We aren't the only ones travelling to the north however. I heard that the armies of the White Kingdom are looking for the princess."
"The princess? Why would they be looking for her here?" The former Queen asked and bit her lip.

"It's the Charmings. The Queen has lost her mind and even locked her husband in the dungeon because he disagreed with her way of reigning the new Kingdom. Ever since the Evil Queen disappeared, she has become consumed with hunting her down and killing her once and for all." The man told Regina. The brunette looked down at her hands and sighed.
"Snow..." She said softly and sighed. She knew like no other what it's like to be consumed by hatred. "So, why are they looking for the princess and not for the Evil Queen?"
"Prince Charming still has allies in the castle. He issued the order to find the princess and snap the Queen out of her lust for revenge."

Regina was worried for what would be on the other side of the mountain range. She looked over her shoulders at the mountain covered in thick forest.
"The war never ended..." Regina whispered and looked at the man. "I'm sorry. I have to leave..." The brunette said and nudged her horse, sprinting back home. She had to get to Emma and tell her the news.


"Emma! Where are you... Emma!" Regina opened the door and came in all frazzled.
"Regina, what's the matter?" The blonde looked worried.
"Your mother... She's gone mad." The brunette grabbed Emma by her arms and looked into her eyes.
"What are you talking about?" Emma frowned and shook her head. "Are you remembering something out of order again?" She asked and didn't look to worried.
"Emma, this is serious!" Regina pressed and straightened. "The army of the White Kingdom is looking for you!"

It was silent for a while and Emma looked at the former Queen for any signs of a lie or whatever since this just sounded too absurd.
"Looking for me?"
"Charming... He is locked in the dungeon by your mother. She's mad I tell you!"
"But why? That doesn't make any sense!" Emma shook her head.
"He opposed her reign and got locked up doing so. The traders told me the army is coming north. This war, Emma, it didn't end with my memories."

Emma couldn't believe the words that had come out of Regina's mouth. Her mother really seemed have gone mad if she had locked her father in the dungeons.
"So, my mother is looking for me... For what? So she can throw me in the dungeons as well?"
"No, your father sent the army so you can stop her."
"What does he expect me to do?! Am I supposed to waltz into the castle and just open the door?!" Emma threw her arms in the air. "What the hell happened over there. Honestly..."

Regina bit her lip and shifted on her feet. She wasn't sure what she was thinking, but she was going to suggest it anyway.
"What... What if." She started and chuckled. "I can't believe I'm saying this." Emma turned to her again. "What if we both go?" The moment those words had left Regina's mouth, the blonde snorted.
"Yes, that's a great idea. The former Evil Queen and Princess Nobody charging into the White Kingdom on horse back. That's really gonna make a difference."
"It's still a better plan than running away." Regina said softly. "I ran, look where that got me. The war is still going and people are still suffering. Is that really fair?" Emma looked at the brunette and sighed.
"I'm sorry Regina..." Emma said and moved to hug the woman. "I know that this is hard for you. Being confronted with your past once again."

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