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A/N: Yeah, just like "Don't Pierce My Flesh!", this title is weird. But let's face it: this book is based on my life and my life is weird, so are the titles. Anyways, yes, I did got dared to hug somebody once, and yes, I made up a hugging game. And yes, I am best friends with two boys.

Again, the characters' personalities are mostly based on me and the people I know in real life, since I miraculously have one. But some parts will be made up.

And the tense. -.-

*There will be human names since I cannot find an object who fits my friend.*

Also, BFDI episode six: Power of Three and Warriors: Power of Three

Anyways, enjoy ;)

Leafy's POV

When people guess who my crush is, their first guess will always be like this:

"Hmm, it's Coiny, isn't it?"

When I say no, they just go off and assume it's him.

That always makes me quiet annoyed, because Coiny is only my best friend. 

Besides, it'll take me a thousand years to love him.

At the T or D Table, the only one who I've known since first grade is Gelatin. We've been in the same class except third grade. I met Coiny in third grade, who I totally do not love. Then I became friends with Pin in fourth grade. 

And in fifth grade, I met Firey.

Okay, no. I met him in third grade at choir, same time as Coiny. But at that time we hardly even knew each other's names. Anyway, I was in alto and he was in soprano, we didn't even sit close.

In the first weeks of fifth grade, I used tease him for having a crush on someone--I honestly forgot who--We sat next to each other, so that's how I actually got to know him. I knew that his crushing was only a rumor.

We became close friends even though we just met. There was some times when we would say the exact same words at the exact same time. Or maybe I would be reading and he would be talking. One time, Gelatin accidentally bumped into him. He apologized, and Firey said, "It's okay."

And at the exact same time, I read the words, "It's okay." in my book. Okay, that was a coincident, but can you say stuff that happens all the time a coincident anymore?

Like this: The teacher would switch to the next PowerPoint with words on it, and we would read the words off it in unison. Then we would give each other a stare, I always try not to laugh.

Or we would want to tell each other something and it turns out we've been thinking the same thing.

These things only happen to my mom and I before, and now, it's happening to me and my new best friend.

I hate explaining things, however, I always seem to have to do it. Sometimes, my friends just don't understand me. But when I speak to Firey, he just understands. I don't need to say it twice or explain it. It's like he can read my mind.

Unfortunately, in fifth grade, when I finally met him, I dropped out of choir.

* * *

"WHAT?!" Firey, Coiny and I screamed in unison. Firey and I exchanged our "again?" look.

Gelatin shrugged. "What?" he asked casually, raising an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath. "Dude, I can't do that." I said.

"Yes! She can't!" Coiny exclaimed, almost knocking over his bottle of water.

"Careful!" Pin said crossly, steadying his bottle.

Firey put his hand on Gelatin's shoulder, stretching his arm behind my back. "Especially after Coiny just told us the truth." he said, smirking at his frienemy.

Man, Coiny should've gotten the dare, not me. To be honest, I ship these two together and I don't regret a thing.

Wait- did I just say that?

Okay... I-

"If you don't do it, you'll have penalty." Gelatin says. (A/N: tense change) "You'll have to give me ten packs of Fuku Noodles. Ten packs."

I facepalm. 


I sigh. "Maybe later."

He shrugs.


I just hate it when Gelatin assumes that I like Blocky because the two of us share the exact same classes. This is really creepy and I am even forced to sit with him in the home room. He is a nice guy, to me at least, I guess.

Once, at some point, there was this rumor about Blocky having a crush on Pin, who used to be his best friend. When I ask him why he doesn't see Pin as a friend now, he would say the following:

"She's becoming a girly teenage hoe—"

"Shut up." I would say. I know Pin; she's my best friend! I don't see her as some kind of hoe. She just gets along well with boys, like me, and no one ever called me a "hoe".

I think.   :I

Speaking of rumors, there were (obviously) rumors about me.

You know what? Gelatin's dare was out-of-date already. It's best before, but still OOD. It was from last year, before he-

Ditched the table.

He comes back sometimes (when he just want gossip), but his regular seat was moved to the "Gamers' Table" where they would just game.

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

But the whole year, I've thought about the dare.

Should I do it? It was just a dare.

This is all just a game.

The rules of truth or dare is that you must do or answer what the person tells and asks you.

If I do it, then I wouldn't be breaking the rules.

And besides, I have penalty. (At least it's not death penalty, but still.)

I wouldn't be expressing anything. I'm not doing this because I want to. I'm doing this because it's called "Following the Rules".

Got it? FTR.

I swear.



Ever since fifth grade, ever since the second month we've known each other, I've had this little crush on him that had know expanded into a GIGANTIC lovesick problem. Many times had I suspected that he likes me back, but I just told myself to stop daydreaming.

I really want to do that dare. To tell him how much I love him. Maybe he'll like me back! I'll never know!

A few times last year, I had leaned in too close to him and he told me, "We've just met." That didn't really break my heart, but I shrank back, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.

Should I do the dare?

Should I confess my true feelings for him?

How will it turn out?

A few weeks later, I found out that this game had created an enjoyable drama.

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