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HyoJin's P.O.V.

After another 10 failed attempts of calling him my mind was in a cluster of emotions. From confusion to worry, from worry to fear, from fear to anger.

I was confused on why he wasn't picking up, worried if he's okay, fearful and angry.. because my mind went to a scenario I hope would never happen.

I buried my face into my hands thinking of what I could do at this moment. Taehyung.

"Drive me to his house" I told him as my eyes looked up at his, staring at him.

"I can't do that, you can barely walk." He immediately rejected my request.

"Take me, right now" I said sternly, I know this isn't me but I need to know what's wrong.




"Please.." I pleaded.

"Hyo.." His eyes softened.

"Please... I need to see if he's okay" I pleaded once again and he stayed silent for a while after.

"Please.." a slight whisper came out of my mouth.

After a tiny bit of waiting I heard him sigh "Fine"


Getting out of the hospital was a rather difficult task, the nurses we encountered told us to go back to my room, but each time we lied and told them we are just going for a walk, a slight hint of them not believing us was clear to both of us but we were glad that they decided not to do anything about it as of right now.

After what seemed as forever, we walked through the back entrance of the hospital, well more like I was pushed in my wheelchair.

"I'm sure he's fine Hyo, maybe he just fell asleep since he looked tired the past days." Taehyung spoke as he helped me into the passenger seat of his car.

I appreciate that he wants me to calm down, but there's no way I'm calming down until I see him.

"Tae, don't worry about me I'll just see if he's home and okay, if he is I'll gladly go back to the hospital and stay there as long as I need" I told him and he nodded before closing the car door and putting the wheelchair into the trunk of the car.

After he got in the car he looked at me for a bit and I smiled at him reassuringly.

"Let's get this over with." He said and started the car.


After what seemed like forever, even if it only took 10 minutes we arrived at the apartment complex.

Immediately I noticed a car that I never seen before, I know it sounds weird but when you lived with the same neighbours for the past 2 years you kinda know all of the cars that are around the complex, but this one.. this car, I never seen before. Hmm probably just a friend of one of the neighbours, I can't memorise all of the cars.

"wait here I'll get your wheelchair." Said Taehyung and I nodded slowly opening the door and waited for him patiently.

"here you go" he placed the wheelchair in front of me and I slowly sat in it, Taehyung wanted to help but I shook my head "I'll do it alone, I need to practice" I said with a slight smile to reassure him that everything is okay.

"Okay, still need help pushing you, or do you want to do that yourself as well?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Please push me, my hand will get sore" I said and he nodded with a slight chuckle.

he pushed me through the front door of the complex and right into the rather small elevator that was built in, thank got that it was.

Finally we arrived at his apartment, that was right next to mine.

"Can you ring the bell for me?" I asked shyly and he nodded.

"Sure" with that he rang the bell and both of us waited for the door to open.

After a bit I heard the sound of the keys and soon the door opened revealing an annoyed looking Jungkook, but that quickly changed to surprise when he saw me and Taehyung at the door.

"Hyo? What are you doing here?" He asked as soon as he saw me.

"You didn't answer my calls so I made Tae bring me here, do you know how worried I was?" I told him and he looked down.

"sorry Hyo, I had some unexpected guest" He said and my brows crashed together, so he was the neighbour with a friend over?

"Oh.. but why didn't you answer my calls?" I asked 

"Oh, my phone's dead." He said. He's lying, I see it.

"Who is your friend?" I asked.

"Oh she.. ugh is.." he struggled with his words.

Don't tell me.. no it can't be ture.. he isn't cheating on me. right?" it's just a friend.

I couldn't say a word as I felt myself tearing up.

"Jungkook, who is she?" Asked Taehyung this time, as knowing that I want to ask that.

"Kookie, who's there?" I heard a female voice and soon a presence appeared next to him. 

Once again he was silent.

"Mina?" Taehyung's eyes went wide.

Mina? He knows her? 

I looked up at Taehyung hoping he would tell me.

He looked down at me "She's his ex" 

What?! okay she's just an ex nothing more, maybe it's like in those dramas where the ex comes back and tries to get him back but fails miserably.

"You're mistaking Taehyung-shi, he's my fiance now" She said in a fake sweet voiced.

"What? you're kidding right?" I said and Jungkook looked down.

he's not.

Not wanting to be in anyone's presence anymore I turned around and got in the elevator as quickly as I could. Gladly Taehyung stopped Jungkook from going after him.

As soon as the elevator's doors closed tears slipped out of my eyes, I couldn't keep them in anymore.


Um.. yea.. that happened.

Comments and votes are lovely.

Oh and it's unedited.

K, bye~~

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