Decision Time

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Chiba's POV

Chiba took a minute to think. He wasn't even sure if he trusted Karasuma enough to meet at an unknown location to discuss how well he murdered a supercreature that destroyed the moon. Sure, he was a great teacher and all. He also helped 3-E assassinate Korosensei, but times have changed. The last time anyone had heard from him was about 12 years ago. But then again, didn't he work for the government? Sure, government workers can be deceiving little bastards, but what reason does Karasuma have to lie to him?

"Hayami Rinka is available tomorrow," Karasuma continued. "We would have liked to include Karma Akabane, but as you may know, he has a never ending schedule. "

"Oh, okay. Uh, yeah, I'm available tomorrow as well. "

"Great then. We will send an armed vehicle to your location tomorrow evening. "

"Wait, how do you know our locations?"

"We work for the Ministry of Defense. How do you think?"

Karasuma hung up the phone. Chiba set his phone back down and stared at the computer screen once more, but he was thinking about only one person.

"Hayami Rinka."

The name was so familiar to him, yet his tongue wasn't used to it anymore. Hayami and Chiba had been dating all three years in middle school, but they started to grow apart after that. They had never officially broken up, but something had obviously changed in their relationship that Chiba suddenly missed. He wondered what college she was at, and if she was struggling with college as well.

Hayami's POV.

Hayami's gave up on sleeping after that phone call. There was no point anyway, as the sun was coming up. She got dressed in her usual uniform, which she hated, and got in her car to pick up a can of her shitty coffee. Coffee was basically her alcohol. She was completely addicted to it, and it helped her cope with life and the stressfulness of college.

There was one word that could could possible describe college, especially Tokyo University: Hell. This place was an absolute hellhole. The campus was nice and all and the instructors were great, but it was so. Fucking. Stressful.

As she drove, she couldn't help but to let her mind wander. Unsurprisingly, she found herself thinking of Ryuunosuke Chiba.

Hayami knew that she missed him more than she should, but there was no helping it. She had secretly admired him more than what she ever let on. She admired how he could hide his emotions and thoughts so well, which is something that Hayami could never completely master.

All in all, they were both excited to see each other.

(Hiya! I feel like I am missing something from the story. If you would like, you can message me for suggestions. Once again, thanks for reading!)

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