author's note

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Hello beautiful this is just to talk about what's going to happen next and that sort of thing. Also thank you to everyone who has gotten this far and has commented voted or added to their reading list I see all of them and I love it when I get a notification. I love all your comments they're so funny and your votes make me feel very happy. Now to talk about something really important the question on everyone's mind will there be a sequel? The answer is yes but it will be a sequel in the same world but different characters with occasional Poppins from the same characters. I'm assuming the second question would be when is it coming out? And as some of you may know I prewrite chapter so I can update regularly so it's going to take me probably around a couple months to get the sequel starting out. When it has started I will make another author's note after this one about the sequel and its name. Again thank you guys so much for being on this journey with me I really appreciate it and I hope that you guys will read the sequel! I respond to all comments so comment if you have a question about any of this. I love you guys and have a good day!

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