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I smiled down at the small black box sitting on our kitchen counter. I picked it up, cradling it in my hands as I gently opened it, looking down at the shining silver and sparkling diamonds of Sara's engagement ring. Still gazing down at it, I reached over to grab my phone. Pushing the on button, I scrolled through my apps until I came to my voicemail. I clicked on the 6th recording down and pressed play. I smiled softly as the light, happy sound of Sara's voice came through the tiny speaker.

"Landon...just a second...I'm just...hang on a moment." There was the sound of a brief scuffle, some shuffling fabric, and bit of heavy breathing, then Sara's voice came back. "Sorry about that, I was trying to get my suitcase out of the trunk of the taxi. I just wanted to call you one more time before I'm on the plane, which I am late for. I'm not gonna be able to call you for a couple hours and I just wanted to let you know I'm safe and on my way home." There was a brief pause where the only sound was of the suitcase clicking on the tiles and the murmur of voices in the background. I rubbed my thumb across the soft velvet of the box in front of me, closing my eyes and bracing myself for the next words. "God, I miss you. I can't wait to come home," she said with a small laugh. Her smile was apparent by her tone. "Ok, I see the security station, so I'm going to have to hang up soon. I'll see you in a couple hours, unless I miss my plane, in which case you will hear from me again. I love you!" I listened to the last few seconds of distant beeps and chatter before the recording cut off.

Taking the phone away from my face, I looked down at the screen in silence for a few moments before pressing the green "call back" button. I drew the phone back up to my ear as I waited for it to go to voicemail, listening to the long, drawn-out beeps. I smiled again, just briefly as I heard Sara fumble with the phone before chirping out, "Hello! You have reached Sara-"

"AND LANDON!" I heard my voice yell from the background.

"Landon, you can't be in my voicemail," came the answering reply, sounding a bit pouty.
"Oh yea? I believe I can," my voice said again, coming from much closer this time. There was a muffled sound of disbelief as there was the sound of me taking the phone out of her hand. "Hello, you have reached Sara freaking Alda. If you need her for something, too bad she's not available. Goodbye." There was the sound of me handing the phone back to Sara.

"Very nicely done. Now no one will ever call me again," she said, trying to sound grumpy, but failing miserably.

Right before the recording ended my voice came, distantly again. "Love you."

I pulled the phone away again and slowly shut it off. I set it on the table next to Sara's engagement ring. I stared down at the shining ring, and tears started to fog my vision, my throat tightening painfully. I closed the box and wrapped my fingers around it, holding it against my heart as I began to sob.

I struggled to breathe in a breath of air, lungs failing to respond as another sob racked my body. I heard my tears hitting the table with small pattering noises, felt them rolling down my face, but I couldn't feel them, I couldn't feel anything except the burning, tearing feeling in my heart. I was attempting to draw in air, stomach burning with the force of my cries.

I blindly fumbled with my phone, opening my gallery and staring down at a picture of me and Sara standing together. My pale blonde hair and vampire whiteness the photo negative to her tanned skin and almost black hair. We had our arms around each other and were leaning towards each other without even realizing it. Her eyes were crinkled up in a smile, head thrown back in mirth while I was simply looking at her with a small smile on my face.

I exited my gallery and went to my dial screen, typing in Sara's number and listening to the ringing, then our brief banter before my voice said, "Love you," and the beep sounded.

"Sara," I choked out, voice raw from sobs. "Sara, please come back to me," I cried, leaning my forehead against my hand. "I can't do this without you. I miss you. Why couldn't you have missed your plane and been late for once in your freaking life? You can't be-" My voice broke, making it temporarily impossible to speak. I drew in a ragged breath. "You can't be dead," I whispered. "Please don't leave me," I choked out. "Please." Shakily breathing in, I rested my forehead against my hand once more, the let it sink to the countertop. I continued to hold the phone against my ear as I continued to breathe in...and out. In...and out.

I closed my eyes and cried silently until the recorder shut itself off with a long beeeeeeep. 

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