Chapter 6: Is It Right?

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The banging noises on my door woke me up. Last night's trip faded away into my memories, merging with Ozpin's.

'Oscar, what have you done?' His voice became stern. 'What are these memories?'

'Please, you need to understand, I asked for you, you never came.'

'Kissing Ruby?! That is not acceptable!'

'She didn't care!'

'And what of her teammates?'

'You heard what Jaune said, remember?'

'I do. But what of her other close family members? You probably angered Qrow.'

'It'll be our secret. Trust me, Ozpin, we'll figure it out when the times come. That's what you say, right?'

'Oscar, that's not-'

'It doesn't matter, I can handle it!'

'Not like this, Oscar.'

'Please, leave me alone. Now, we gotta go.' I got dressed and went down to the kitchen. Everyone was sitting and eating, weapons were nearby, like we were leaving quickly. They were wearing their backpacks and it seemed that they were stuffed. "Hey..." I say, taking my seat.

"Oscar, took you long enough." Qrow says as he gives me a plate of eggs.

I look over to see Ruby, I couldn't see her face directly because she was facing away from me. But I see a slight smile, was she smiling because of last night or was it her usual smile? I can't tell... not until I talk to her. "Y-yeah... sorry about that."

"Tch, never mind that, just hurry up. We are going to the Schnee Mansion and speak to Jacques."

"Do we have an appointment?" I ask as he shakes his head.

Weiss then answers, "Of course we don't. One, I ran away, two, no one knows we entered. Oscar, we're gonna force our way there. And I know the perfect place."

"So... like a sneak attack?"

Nora nods, "Yes..." She says, holding her glee in. "I love sneak attacks..."

"Nora, calm down." Ren says, touching her shoulder. "You won't have any fun until we get there."

"Weiss, are you sure you can handle this?" Blake asks, her ears lowering. "I-I know how you felt..."

"Blake, of course I can. There's no need to worry about me."

"Okay, as long as we got that our way, and once Oscar's finished, we can hurry it up and leave." Qrow says as I quickly ate.


"Ruby." I made my way next to her. I haven't spoken to her all morning and she was quiet, unlike her. 


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Maybe what happened last night... wasn't the right thing to do..."

"What makes you say that?" I look at her, her eyes were dull.

"Everything... I couldn't sleep last night... and..."

I wrapped my arm around her, "Ruby, it's fine..."

"Are you sure?" She asks as I nod in response. "Thanks. I guess... I was worried about my team..."


"Yeah, I guess I didn't want them to know. Yang told me that I'm not good at lying..."

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