Chapter 3: Unlikely Medical Team

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A small figure walked through the halls of the old university, most everything inside held a layer of dust, no matter how hard she tried to keep on top of cleaning it. Library shelves holding hundreds of electronic books and articles lay in a peaceful slumber as their sole caretaker kept them safe. From the lecture halls to the medical labs and rooms the place had become a sanctuary to someone who had called it home before large sections had been destroyed and left in ruin.

She placed the tablets back into their proper place on the shelves, pushing back a strand of silver hair as she did. She had things to do today, and just sitting around putting things away had not been one of them. However, when a ship falls from the sky for the first time in ten years one tends to push aside plans.

Her name was Forrest Atla, she and her partner Castiel were the ones who called the university ruins home. After the devastating Wraith attack left the entire planet in ruins, the surviving population had fled North to the capital city. That alone proved to be a very unwise move. Seeing as the battle for food and supplies caused them to be at one another's throats. That small population grew smaller and smaller. Forrest had no idea how many were actually left.

She had been living on the campus when the Wraith attacked. She was in her final year of medical school, only four or five months till she was officially certified. It was bittersweet, having everything she had worked so hard for torn away. Yet she had managed to keep her spirits up. Using the now deserted university as her own personal school. Cas was ten years older than her and had managed to help her learn more specialized medical knowledge. Even if she did not have much to practice on.

She plopped down onto the large couch inside the main common hall, sitting with her back to the sunlight that filtered down from the large blast hole in the domed ceiling. Stretching her arms behind her head and closing her eyes. The morning had brought an interesting development. A ship had come from above, much different than the ones that had come and destroyed everything ten years prior. Castiel and herself had watched the ship go down, prompting Cas to head out to get a look. She figured he would be back anytime if he had done nothing stupid.

*I'm gonna be in trouble..* The words floated into her head, along with a gentle stream of emotions. A nervous excitement. All in her head. She stood upright from her chair, turning to look at the hole overhead *Castiel what do you mean trouble? What did you find?* She called back, her concern evident *The downed ship had humans, I found them, quite an interesting bunch if I say so myself* The sense of pride evident in the voice *Why are you in trouble then?* She was just starting to be able to hear him as he made his approach *Well.. one seemed to have been hurt in the crash. I could not do a very good assessment there as they were very uneasy. Did not want to risk causing more pain and getting shot at..Soo I may or may not have brought him back..*

Forrest spun around as Castiel glided down from the ceiling. She could see quickly he had someone in his jaws and darted off towards the edge of the room. Quickly grabbing a hold of one of the still functioning medical beds "Castiel you have got to be fucking kidding me!" At that point in time, she was speaking out loud as she moved the bed over and into the large open floor. Castiel slowly setting himself down on the ground as he moved his head over the bed, gently setting the man onto it. *I knew we could not help him where he was* The dragon now shrinking back down to the size of a large tiger, looking at Forrest "We have no idea who these people are Cas, what about the others? Hmm? How did they respond to you taking him?!" She had already begun to work, pulling the strange black vest off of the unconscious body that had been brought to her *they may have shot at me* She paused, looking at Castiel who simply looked at her with large blue eyes. He had no shame in what he had done "Well. You better damn well hope they don't come here looking for a fight over this." She said as she began to try and figure out what sort of case Cas had brought her "Okay you brought him here, what do you know?" She said looking up at her partner *he was awake when I got to look at him. I would say pretty bad concussion. Right shoulder is either dislocated or broken in some way. Could not get the best feel as that made him fight back a little. I could not get any more than that without bringing him here*

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