Log II, Session II. "Him".

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Log II, Session II.
Date: February the Twentieth, 2067, 5:13 Plutonian Lunar Time.
Subject: "Him".
Logger: ASEoS, in_logged.

He left after I told him he could repair the Mordor. Like, right after. We stopped talking and he walked back into the ship, starting it up and flying away. He had an ion engine that most likely used Xenon as fuel. It would be slow at first, but it would get progressively faster.

I shrugged and directed the herd of elephants back to my castle. The ice was thick enough to be opaque but thin enough to let the light of the distant sun through. The elephants walked through the large opening to the stable near my castle. I slid off the back of the elephant and shrunk each one as it walked through the stable door. I looked at all the other animals that were currently sleeping in the stable. They were free to roam the planet but most stayed here. I smiled at the frosty creatures and went back into my castle, forgetting all about him.

I guess I had set Nimis to alert me when the a ship came into orbit, although it was probably at one in the morning since I didn't remember doing it. I was listening to Monsta X and cleaning when an alarm went off. I ran to my surveillance room and looked at the alert. It said a ship was settling into orbit around the planet. I accessed the cameras and brought them online. I put all the live feeds onto the screens scattered around the room. I brushed away all the cameras that showed landscapes, Omega Olympus, and rooms in my castle containing my cool stuff, leaving the ones that looked towards space. I pulled the one that showed a ship into focus. It was a large ship shaped like the barges used on the oceans of Earth. This one was grey and black. I saw a white blur near the back end of the ship and I magnified the area through the camera. It was the ship's name, Dominaria.

This must be his repair ship. It was confirmed when an incoming message appeared over the camera screens. I opened it and found a short message in words. Hey, it's Eldar. That giant ship in the sky is the Dominaria, my lovely repair ship. Go ahead and fly the Mordor up here and I'll get it all fixed up. By the way it has been a week and a day since I left, which happens to be inside your deadline, was the message that appeared. I groaned and went to my landing and launching pad.

Sitting on the pad was my ship, the Mordor. It wasn't the prettiest ship in space, but it had brought me here. It was a rusty red and was shaped like a pointy cylinder pretty much. Like most space ships used back in the day of the moon missions actually. The mini pod I kept in case the ship broke down was next to the Mordor. The mini pod was shaped like a large egg that had the back curve chopped off and the resulting edges smoothed. The back was covered with the thrusters used to power the little ship and it had two wings extending from either side of the ship, just behind the front window.

I told Nimis to pilot the pod up with me through a wristband I wore and I opened the hatch that would let me into the Mordor. It took a few tries to start the relatively old engines and I started steering my ship up to the barge. I got a notification from Nimis saying that the pod was following and I thanked her. I made it to the barge in a little under half an hour. I didn't have too much fuel left in the old ship. I landed it just as gracefully as I had the first time I landed here on Pluto. Which was not very graceful at all. Every time I landed this thing I almost blew everything up. But today was not the day and nothing exploded, making me happy and sad. I loved explosions.

I left the ship and saw the pod land about fifty feet away. The pod was named Gollum because of the egg shape and Gollum's love for eggs. I heard footsteps and turned to see Eldar coming towards me.

"I thought you were all alone down there," he said in an accusing tone.

"I don't know what you are implying, but I am all alone down there," I snapped. I wished he would just fix my ship.

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