Log V, Session II. The Attack.

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Log V, Session II.
Date: April the Thirteenth, 2067, 6:35 Plutonian Lunar Time.
Subject: The Attack.
Logger: ASEoS, in_logged.

*ragged breathing* So...that took...a while...I'm a bit...broken...if you couldn't tell. *laughing* *coughing* Aghh, no...laughing then....

Uhm, so the attack...we won, obviously but a lot...of people are hurt...and the metal creatures are back...in the eggs. They kinda shrunk down on themselves and...just crawled back into the broken...halves of their eggs, which sealed themselves...closed and...now look like they were never...opened.

The people who attacked us were...from another...galaxy...and they heard rumors of...Alpha Olympus...and wanted to add us to...their empire. That obviously...didn't...happen however, as I am still...talking to you...freely. Don't worry I'm...okay for a...while...but I am on the way to...the medical center.

It was an...intense battle...but we are stronger for it. We learned ways...that we can be invaded and are working on...patching up those areas. My uhm...my daughter Lanis was...she got...killed. Consuela is very grieved and...Krieg is trying to comfort...his cousin and is...doing very well with his...task.

God my...lungs are...seizing up. Ahh, I'm at the...medical...tent now. *wheezing* I can't...talk...for a...bit...as I have to...go and let...the nurse...take care of me. It will take...a while...for me to...recover because I...am an old woman...by now. Until...next...time.

Log V, Session II. End.
Date: April the Thirteenth, 2067, 6:47 Plutonian Lunar Time.
Subject: The Attack.
Logger: ASEoS, out_logged.

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